Yesterday's loooong meeting just confirmed the fact that marketing big wigs have no clue. At least here at the Evil Corporation they don't. Sat through an hour of endless discussion on the superiority of RIMs over phones and how POP mail is impossible to get on a RIM and is a messenger even a feasible thing. Let me just clarify, Evil Corporation does not make RIMs. As the initiator of the discussion was a Senior Director, nobody dared change tack, though I was sorely tempted to say, 'yes, but the REASON we're here is to discuss specs!' And put that damned Blackberry back in your pocket, we all know you have one, stop showing off. I bet he has a big car too.
Watched season finale of West Wing last night with its requisite cliff hanger. How refreshing it would be if a major show opted to end a season without a cliff hanger! OK, I know all about having expectations met, but sometimes I could go for a little originality.
Finally someone realized I'm pregnant based on my belly! Maybe he was tipped off before, but he clearly pointed to the belly and said, 'oh, I didn't know because you didn't show before.' Yay! Of course, I was sliding off the chair at the time, which always makes my belly look bigger, but it counts all the same! How do these women do it that only their tummy looks pregnant and not the rest of the body? I have pregnant calves! Guess I'm just extra special.