Thursday, May 20, 2004

Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hee heee!
Yesterday's loooong meeting just confirmed the fact that marketing big wigs have no clue. At least here at the Evil Corporation they don't. Sat through an hour of endless discussion on the superiority of RIMs over phones and how POP mail is impossible to get on a RIM and is a messenger even a feasible thing. Let me just clarify, Evil Corporation does not make RIMs. As the initiator of the discussion was a Senior Director, nobody dared change tack, though I was sorely tempted to say, 'yes, but the REASON we're here is to discuss specs!' And put that damned Blackberry back in your pocket, we all know you have one, stop showing off. I bet he has a big car too.

Watched season finale of West Wing last night with its requisite cliff hanger. How refreshing it would be if a major show opted to end a season without a cliff hanger! OK, I know all about having expectations met, but sometimes I could go for a little originality.

Finally someone realized I'm pregnant based on my belly! Maybe he was tipped off before, but he clearly pointed to the belly and said, 'oh, I didn't know because you didn't show before.' Yay! Of course, I was sliding off the chair at the time, which always makes my belly look bigger, but it counts all the same! How do these women do it that only their tummy looks pregnant and not the rest of the body? I have pregnant calves! Guess I'm just extra special.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I think ultrasound machines are the best invention of the century! We went to see our little one on Friday and actually got waved at. OK, OK, sceptics would say that's impossible, but hey, I saw it!

Major layoff at the Evil Corporation last week. It took them three days to finish it.

I should really take example from Glacia and start knitting things like little socks for example or little hats. I would not have the first idea what size to make them though. :)

Had a nice chat with Emma today. Her work environment is even worse than mine. I guess I should not complain too much. Occasionally the sheikh talks down to me (like yesterday) and he's all serious and displeased with me (like lately), but at least I can have a telephone conversation with someone without the whole office hearing it. Are there no good places to work?

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Having a low confidence day yet again. Feeling very blonde, which is not like me. Also am not blonde. I think in this job I've had more days like this than in any other job I've had. Mostly this must be because I am finding it hard to muster up enough interest to do what I need to do. I've been with Evil Corporation for over a year and I still feel new.

OK, also finding it hard to concentrate when it's hot and sunny outside and I have the prospect of shopping later. To tell the truth, I'm bored!

Monday, May 10, 2004

Finally, a sunny day! Yesss!

I really think that mothers to be should also be celebrated on Mothers' Day. Are we not mothers? Do we not carry the next generation? I was told by my own father though that this did not count and that Mothers' Day is to be celebrated by children for the mother, not by husbands and other family members. Hmph! I think only Emma agrees with me. Mind you, on TV, it's all about expectant moms as well as those who already have their children.

Waiting patiently for meeting with the Sheikh. Tu du du du du du du, tu du du du du, tu du, tu du tu du... Jeopardy tune.

Friday, May 07, 2004

So, probably like most people I have mixed feelings about the last Friends episode. How predictable that Rachel did not go to Paris after all! And why oh why did she come back to be with that loogan who has to mention 'unless we're on a break' at the moment they reunite. Turn yourself right around, honey and head to Paris. After all, it's a city filled with Gunthers. ;)
It was quite sweet to see Courtney Cox so obviously pregnant. She looks so much better when she's not skeletally thin. All in all, the scene in the hospital stole the show.
Anyway, that's my take on it. I also predict that "Joey" will be cancelled after the first season.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

As birthdays go, yesterday kinda sucked. In retrospect however, I realize that it's because I had such impossibly high expectations. I suppose that mature and adult people realize that being showered with presents and affection just because you happened to be born on a certain day, is rather unrealistic. People have their own lives and your birthday is not as magical to them as it is to you. So in that light, expecting people to show up with cakes and baloons is just nuts. Certainly, bawling incontrolably because it did not happen makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Must be the baby hormones. I swear, I can be happy as a clam one minute and totally misreable the next with no apparent reason.

Anyway... found all the forms Arthur needs online and the poor guy will have to fill them out now (something he loathes) and then go and stand in line at the various government offices. At least most of them do not require fees with the notable exception of the drivers' license.

Christopher Judge is coming to Toronto! And we are going to see him. I better procure a photo asap. I am counting on the fact that I'm pregnant to be able to sneak in past the long line of authograph fiends. That man is just so gorgeous. I realize that it's not him, it's the whole persona of Teal'c, but hey!

I wonder how Glacia would take it if I asked her to knit a blankie for baby. :)