Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Having kids teaches you a lot about your parents

Alex is a pretty happy kid, but he has days when he's sad, tired and fussy. It's only to be expected, but when one of those days comes, I'm all aflutter, trying to find out why he's not his usual giggly self. Because he can't talk yet, I can't ask him what's wrong (though I do) and expect an answer. A couple of days ago, he had one of those days and I told my mom about it later on the phone.

Me "I HATE it when he's sad. It makes me feel so sad!"
Mom "I used to hate it when you were sad."
Me "And the worst is that I can't ask him what it is. I try all these things and nothing helps."
Mom "I know what you mean. That's why when you were sad, I used to bug you about what was wrong."
Me "Oh!"

Turns out she wasn't just bugging me for the hell of it.

What sad irony. We learn our parents' true intentions when we are no longer children.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Alex is a Christian!

He is in fact a Catholic. We had him baptized yesterday at the Our Lady of Sorrows church. It was lovely and I was very proud. Afterwards we had a little do at our place. Had a great time. I hope other people did too. It had been too long since I had a party. Glacia and Lyle came and both looked fab. Emma, Steed and Simon were there too. Simon is turning into a big boy.

I should have another party again soon. The only thing is that poor Alex was just exhausted at the end of it all. He went to bed at six and pretty much slept until six a.m., with breaks for water and being rocked.

And now this:

Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is

Janaina Pereira