Monday, July 17, 2006

Dog Days

Quite pissed at work now. Was supposed to get raise. Raise will not happen. I got an "let's see in three months, shall we?" No, let's not! Also have two people I have to work with who know absolutely everything about everything. I suppose it must be quite comforting to them to know so much and have nothing to learn. It drives me up the wall. One of them reminds me of my sister, which is annoying enough. If she has my sister's characteristics too, things will be quite difficult. I suppose it's looking like it's becoming time for pengirl to sharpen her resume and hit the boulevard. Motivation to do stuff at work - ZERO!

Things seem to happen in bunches in my life lately. I've been thinking about my friendships and how they've changed over time. I worry that one especially may have and it makes me sad.

But really, my brain is melting from all this heat. Toronto is sweltering. My poor husband and baby are at home in our hot appartment. Hopefully they have turned the a/c on.

GRRRR to it all!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rainy afternoons

There have been changes at work. These changes were not good for 12 people who got to leave. I am in a new department. Feeling quite insecure. I have not felt like this since I left Evil Corporation. I suppose it will all fall into place eventually.

Had lunch with Charlotte. What a lovely, sweet person she is. We found 40 bucks on the street in the rain. Well, she spotted it, so I should say she found it. We split it. I felt like we should have looked for the person who lost it, but it was on the pavement, not even on the sidewalk, and there was nobody around in the pouring rain. We could hardly ask everyone at the restaurant if it was theirs, besides which everyone would have said "yes." I can't say it's not a God send. I need to buy diapers like today and had very little cash. Thank God for Charlotte as well. If I were not meeting her, I would not be on that street in the rain. And I would have just kept on walking and not looking at the ground either and not seen the money.

This is a bit of a trend. We won a portable radio in the Sick Kids Lottery. I wish it were a car, but I'm glad we won something and besides, the main thing is that the money will go to research and hopefully make a difference in treating diseases in children.

It's Wednesday, the middle of the week and a rainy one. My mood is rainy too.