Tuesday, August 28, 2007


A couple of weeks ago, my friend Char and I went to Port Perry for a little trip. What a cute little town! It's totally girly though, so all of you of the male persuasion, I suggest letting your womenfolk go with their friends, sisters, second cousins, you get the idea.

This place abounds in cute little shops mixed with really expensive art galleries. We had lunch at a tea-room sort of place. It was small, quaint. I had pierogi. The waitress came back to make sure I liked them after I had expressed scepticism at how good they could possibly be. "I am Polish, you know," I said. She swore people came from far and wide to have these pierogi, maybe not from Poland itself, but that could be attributed to the fact that Port Perry is not as widely known in Poland as it should be. Anyway, the pierogi were OK. The raspberry chocolate tart we had for dessert was divine.

We went down to the water and there was a plane that had just landed. It was idyllic.
On the way back we stopped at the Ocala winery. Bought some nice wine. These people won the silver medal for fruit wines in all of Canada. Rightly so, the ice apple wine was yummy, albeit a little too sweet for me.
Last week on Friday we had our summer outing from work. My manager likes to do one in the winter and one in the summer. We went to Unionville. We had a looooong lunch. As a matter of fact, the restaurant closed while we were there, this is how long this lunch was. Then walked around the little shops a bit, but not too long because I did not want to get stuck in traffic. This is another cute little town (on the way to Port Perry, btw) and has an abundance of crafty/artsy stuff. I realize that I need to go back to both these places.
Ahhh, love day trips!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Issues, people, issues!

It hasn't actually been said right out that we are not to blog at work, but I think it is generally accepted that we probably should not. I am blatantly breaking the unspoken rule. Why, you ask? My nose is out of joint yet again. This time it's a work trip where I was hoping to bring mister. It's New Orlean's for Pete's sake (sorry, Pete, don't know why people keep calling on you)! I mean, if it was Dead Man's Ass, Arizona, I would not want to take him and would have been happy to share a room with Vanessa. Not that I have any problems sharing with V., I just think her and Gus, her other half, and mister and myself all in one room is getting a little too chummy. And he so wants to go too. It's not that it's forbidden, it's that I will now have to pay for half a room, which works out to 100 bucks a night, that is on top of his airfare (700 bucks) and food for us both.

How perfectly typical and a replay of the picnic. So am a little miffed. For 1000 bucks we can go for a week to Mexico! All inclusive! Sigh and sigh again.

Mind, this may not even be an issue as who knows if I end up going in the first place. That would be ironic.

On the plus side, I saw a bunny outside of work this morning, so the world can't be all bad. And am heading to Port Perry with Charlotte tomorrow. Yes!