It's that time of year ... again
Actually, it is feeling slightly more magical this year and all because of Alex. He is SO excited about the Christmas tree and lights and decorations. We took him to see Santa at a local mall and he loved it. And here I came across my first Christmas dilemma. Alex asked for Gordon under the tree (part of the Thomas the Tank Engine gang - clicky here for datils). Well, of course, that is the one engine I can't find. And he asked Santa for it. Now, this is the first year we do the whole Santa hoopla and I don't want him doubting just yet. Sigh. I am turning into one of those crazed parents who scour the city for one toy.
In other news... I am sadly behind on all my knitting projects, but I am writing more! Yay! OK, this is Mickey Mouse stuff, but it helps me feel slightly more creative. I publish on Triond. Here is one of mine Yes, it does take away from writing the blog, but might actually make me some money too. Why, already I earned three cents!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
'Tis the winter of my discontent
Or something to that effect. I could never remember that line.
Secret company where I work has turned out to be rather heartless. Though companies are no matter what they claim. I think the more a company says they care about their employees, the more underhanded they are. Maybe it's only because you expect them to be caring and they by nature are not. They're like Daleks. Exterminate! Exterminate!

Though Daleks still look like giant washing machines to me. Anyway, back to my main point. I am asked to apply for the job I am currently in. Surprised? Yeah. I am currently on contract and they want to get rid of contractors so they have to post the position just in case someone else might want to apply. Oh, wait it gets better. The girl who I hired, trained, and mentored is also encouraged to apply for the position. To give her her due, she is a clearly bigger person (not a Dalek) and has refused to play their game. If only I could do the same! Pride puts very little food on the table though, so I am in the unenviable position of breaking my ideals while wanting the job but not at the company where I am. Very complex. And I used to like Secret Company. Well, not now. At least, not Pointy Haired Boss who looks like the instigator of the whole intirgue. Sux.
Or something to that effect. I could never remember that line.
Secret company where I work has turned out to be rather heartless. Though companies are no matter what they claim. I think the more a company says they care about their employees, the more underhanded they are. Maybe it's only because you expect them to be caring and they by nature are not. They're like Daleks. Exterminate! Exterminate!

Though Daleks still look like giant washing machines to me. Anyway, back to my main point. I am asked to apply for the job I am currently in. Surprised? Yeah. I am currently on contract and they want to get rid of contractors so they have to post the position just in case someone else might want to apply. Oh, wait it gets better. The girl who I hired, trained, and mentored is also encouraged to apply for the position. To give her her due, she is a clearly bigger person (not a Dalek) and has refused to play their game. If only I could do the same! Pride puts very little food on the table though, so I am in the unenviable position of breaking my ideals while wanting the job but not at the company where I am. Very complex. And I used to like Secret Company. Well, not now. At least, not Pointy Haired Boss who looks like the instigator of the whole intirgue. Sux.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Dis an' dat
I have been talking about Santa with Alex. He is getting more and more excited about Chirstmas. We saw a giant Christmas tree at the Eaton Center yesterday. It was all done in white and suspended under the ceiling as though floating on a cloud. Alex even agreed to go see Santa Claus at a local mall this year. He flat out refused last year.
In that spirit I asked Alex if we were going to write a letter to Santa. I explained that we could put down what he wants for Christmas and Santa would try and get it for him. This conversation ensued:
me: So, do you want to write a letter to Santa, so we can tell him what you want under the tree?
Alex: Yes.
me: That way Santa will know what to get you.
Alex: Yes, I will write a letter for Santa. I will write the letter E for Santa.
That was when I realized my son does not know what a letter is.
In other news, things are looking iffy at work. There is a hiring freeze and of course pengirl is on contract, so pengirl might be jobless very soon as contract is ending. Bloody recession!
In other other news, the husband sweater is officially finished (I had to fix the neck). I have now moved on to a pink scarf for moi, happily ignoring all other projects I should be working on right now. Here is le pic.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I am the mother of a kindergartener. Alex started school on Monday. I took the day off to be able to take him to school on his first day. He was not in the least nervous, found his coat hook, hung up his coat and went to sit on the carpet with the other children. Then said "bye" when we were leaving. But this totally broke my heart. There was a little girl there who just stood in the middle of the room with her head down, visibly fighting tears. Her wise parents (or whoever brought her) did not intervene, but OMG, I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms and give her a big hug. Good thing she was not my daughter or else she'd be missing school that day.
Alex came home fairly tired on his first day, but after his nap asked if he could go to school in the afternoon too. He was not too impressed when I told him that he'd only go in the mornings.
In knitting news : drumroll please... the sweater is finished. OK, there was a bit of an issue with the neck being slightly too big, but other than that I think it's gorgeous. I might fix the neck at some point. I am working on pillow for FIL now.
Oooh, gotta go. Hear kid sounds from the other room.
I am the mother of a kindergartener. Alex started school on Monday. I took the day off to be able to take him to school on his first day. He was not in the least nervous, found his coat hook, hung up his coat and went to sit on the carpet with the other children. Then said "bye" when we were leaving. But this totally broke my heart. There was a little girl there who just stood in the middle of the room with her head down, visibly fighting tears. Her wise parents (or whoever brought her) did not intervene, but OMG, I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms and give her a big hug. Good thing she was not my daughter or else she'd be missing school that day.
Alex came home fairly tired on his first day, but after his nap asked if he could go to school in the afternoon too. He was not too impressed when I told him that he'd only go in the mornings.
In knitting news : drumroll please... the sweater is finished. OK, there was a bit of an issue with the neck being slightly too big, but other than that I think it's gorgeous. I might fix the neck at some point. I am working on pillow for FIL now.
Oooh, gotta go. Hear kid sounds from the other room.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Last weekend of the summer
Well, kids this is it - Labour Day weekend. For us it means the last days of the CNE (that's the Canadian National Exhibition for you non Torontonians), the air show, and start of school next week. This year my little guy is actually going to school, well JK. It's been a while since a year to me meant September to June. I remember my first day at school (first grade, mind you) in Poland. They gathered all the first graders in the reception hall of the school and the principal delivered some sort of speech. We had to wear uniforms which consisted of an "apron" over a white blouse and some sort of navy pants or skirt. These "aprons" looked kind of like lab coats and were longer for girls and shorter for boys. They were navy coloured and made of polyester. I didn't really care for them. When I was in the third or fourth grade they were abandoned as required school-wear.
In knitting news - the husband sweater is almost done! I have 15 cm more of sleeves to do and then have to put it together. A proud photo will be displayed here when it is done. Meanwhile I have totally become enamoured with Amigurumi. How long has this been going on and I had no idea? I have begun making a cute little bunny, but then felt guilty and went back to the sweater, so all I have is the head. Will not post a pic as it looks kind of macabre, just the head on its own.
And lastly, here is a conversation I had yesterday with my son:
Alex: Want a bath.
Me: But honey, it's too late. We should not have watched that whole movie.
Alex: Want a shower.
Me: You can have a shower tomorrow.
Alex: No tomorrow!
Me: Yes, tomorrow.
Alex: Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Can't fault his logic there. We might have a philosopher on our hands.
Well, kids this is it - Labour Day weekend. For us it means the last days of the CNE (that's the Canadian National Exhibition for you non Torontonians), the air show, and start of school next week. This year my little guy is actually going to school, well JK. It's been a while since a year to me meant September to June. I remember my first day at school (first grade, mind you) in Poland. They gathered all the first graders in the reception hall of the school and the principal delivered some sort of speech. We had to wear uniforms which consisted of an "apron" over a white blouse and some sort of navy pants or skirt. These "aprons" looked kind of like lab coats and were longer for girls and shorter for boys. They were navy coloured and made of polyester. I didn't really care for them. When I was in the third or fourth grade they were abandoned as required school-wear.
In knitting news - the husband sweater is almost done! I have 15 cm more of sleeves to do and then have to put it together. A proud photo will be displayed here when it is done. Meanwhile I have totally become enamoured with Amigurumi. How long has this been going on and I had no idea? I have begun making a cute little bunny, but then felt guilty and went back to the sweater, so all I have is the head. Will not post a pic as it looks kind of macabre, just the head on its own.
And lastly, here is a conversation I had yesterday with my son:
Alex: Want a bath.
Me: But honey, it's too late. We should not have watched that whole movie.
Alex: Want a shower.
Me: You can have a shower tomorrow.
Alex: No tomorrow!
Me: Yes, tomorrow.
Alex: Tomorrow is tomorrow.
Can't fault his logic there. We might have a philosopher on our hands.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not gone, just lost for a time
Yes, it's been a while. The summer is proving to be fairly busy. I refuse to stay at home and so consequently our weekends have been full of activity. Finally, one Friday Mr. P said "Is this weekend also going to be so busy?" That made me slow down a little, but not much. Also, I can't blog at work, so that makes it challenging because when I get home I don't really feel like sitting in front of the computer.
Went for an awesome family reunion in NY state. This was at my FIL's house, but both sisters-in-law came, one from Virginia, the other from Missouri. Also brother-in-law even though he is recovering from back surgery. OK, totally warm and fuzzy. Tons of hugs all around, little kids running around the yard looking for kittens that live on my FIL's porch. Huge bbq for about 50 people in the yard, watermelon, chicken, strawberries, tables set up on the grass... It was like something out of a movie or a Norman Rockwell painting.
And, yes, our camera was not working!! Mr. P took it to Canon and they were fixing it and of course we did not get it back in time to take it with us. That's OK though, at least we were not worried about getting the best shot. Mind you, some people promised to send us their pics and so far, not a peep.
Had an awesome anniversary (#5 - can you believe it?). Mr. P made a whole cartoon about our relationship! Clicky here for fun and amusement: Apparently he'd been working on it since the fall. I had no idea and was totally surprised.
Well, off to the CNE this weekend, if the weather holds. You Vancouverites out there are probably snickering at all the rain we are getting here in TO. Really, it's been kind of ridiculous.
OK, must get to bed. It's fairly late (for me) and it's a work night.
P.S. The cameras IS working now. Consequently I was able to take this pic of a flower in my mom's little garden. Enjoy.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Style and the City
I had my own little "Sex and the City" moment. For years I have been coveting a piece of Tiffany silver and finally, after I got my promotion (thank you, thank you), I decided that there was no earthly reason why I should not own a piece of my very own Tiffany. I wanted to do this for myself rather than wait for Arthur to get one for me. It's a girl-can-do it thing. So, one lunch time last week, I moseyed on up to 85 Bloor Street West, where the mecca of jewellery stores is located. I felt intimidated by the huge doors a little, but I pushed them open and here I was. I stood in the door way just a second to take in the atmosphere. The security guard (in a suit) greeted me from his station and almost made me jump a mile. But soon, I felt right at home. The lighting was discreet, the carpeting lush and soft and the staff all solicitous for helping find what I wanted. But not in my face. They politely inquired, they did not approach unless summoned. Well, I let myself be helped. You see, apparently, silver is on the second floor. Who knew there was a second floor! But of course, where would they have kept all the crystal and stuff! So I glided as gracefully as I could up the stairs in my heart congratulating myself on having worn my office shoes. It was actually kind of crowded up there. There were mothers helping daughters choose their first silver necklace. There were men buying silver money clips. And there it was among other gorgeous things - my coveted heart tag pendant. There was a girl with impossibly shiny hair at the counter, but she was helping someone else. So, I was helped by Joanna, an obviously Russian immigrant, who was nevertheless courtesy itself.
Plastic changed hands. She put my necklace in the blue Tiffany pouch, which went in the box tied with silky white ribbon and then in the blue Tiffany bag. Sigh. It was totally, totally satisfying. I walked down the street holding my Tiffany bag. And I know I am now an officially evil and shallow person who bows to labels and the doors to Nirvana are firmly shut against the likes of me, but when I put my new silver heart on with the Return to Tiffany stamped on it, I felt like everyone knew that I had something special round my neck (which I'm sure they did not). I had this newfound confidence. And now I want to go back there. Even just to browse. And my name is now on their registry. And I know I sound like I'm five, but this was my lifetime thing - to have something from Tiffany. It's like I have crossed a threshold.
... meanwhile, on the other side of town...
I did go to see SATC today and was totally satisfied. It was like a two and a half hour episode of the show and everything that I expected happened - Miranda is still a workaholic who takes care of everyone but herself and ends up resenting them for it, Charlotte is the princess of 5th Avenue, Samantha wants more sex and she doesn't get any and Carrie and Big get married. Finally, finally, they do it! I think I may want to get the DVD (hint to husbands who my read this).
...and finally
You should check out panties for peace. In an effort to atone for my evil jewellery buying ways, I will participate in the campaign to send women's underwear to guerillas in Mayanmar. You see these guerillas believe that touching women's underwear will rob them of their power. Interesting since they use rape as a weapon of war. Presumably they have to touch underwear then... Anyway, there is this campaing asking women to send in their panties to these guerillas as a peaceful way to help fight them and show solidarity to women being affected by the brutal fighting. Check out this site
I had my own little "Sex and the City" moment. For years I have been coveting a piece of Tiffany silver and finally, after I got my promotion (thank you, thank you), I decided that there was no earthly reason why I should not own a piece of my very own Tiffany. I wanted to do this for myself rather than wait for Arthur to get one for me. It's a girl-can-do it thing. So, one lunch time last week, I moseyed on up to 85 Bloor Street West, where the mecca of jewellery stores is located. I felt intimidated by the huge doors a little, but I pushed them open and here I was. I stood in the door way just a second to take in the atmosphere. The security guard (in a suit) greeted me from his station and almost made me jump a mile. But soon, I felt right at home. The lighting was discreet, the carpeting lush and soft and the staff all solicitous for helping find what I wanted. But not in my face. They politely inquired, they did not approach unless summoned. Well, I let myself be helped. You see, apparently, silver is on the second floor. Who knew there was a second floor! But of course, where would they have kept all the crystal and stuff! So I glided as gracefully as I could up the stairs in my heart congratulating myself on having worn my office shoes. It was actually kind of crowded up there. There were mothers helping daughters choose their first silver necklace. There were men buying silver money clips. And there it was among other gorgeous things - my coveted heart tag pendant. There was a girl with impossibly shiny hair at the counter, but she was helping someone else. So, I was helped by Joanna, an obviously Russian immigrant, who was nevertheless courtesy itself.
Plastic changed hands. She put my necklace in the blue Tiffany pouch, which went in the box tied with silky white ribbon and then in the blue Tiffany bag. Sigh. It was totally, totally satisfying. I walked down the street holding my Tiffany bag. And I know I am now an officially evil and shallow person who bows to labels and the doors to Nirvana are firmly shut against the likes of me, but when I put my new silver heart on with the Return to Tiffany stamped on it, I felt like everyone knew that I had something special round my neck (which I'm sure they did not). I had this newfound confidence. And now I want to go back there. Even just to browse. And my name is now on their registry. And I know I sound like I'm five, but this was my lifetime thing - to have something from Tiffany. It's like I have crossed a threshold.
... meanwhile, on the other side of town...
I did go to see SATC today and was totally satisfied. It was like a two and a half hour episode of the show and everything that I expected happened - Miranda is still a workaholic who takes care of everyone but herself and ends up resenting them for it, Charlotte is the princess of 5th Avenue, Samantha wants more sex and she doesn't get any and Carrie and Big get married. Finally, finally, they do it! I think I may want to get the DVD (hint to husbands who my read this).
...and finally
You should check out panties for peace. In an effort to atone for my evil jewellery buying ways, I will participate in the campaign to send women's underwear to guerillas in Mayanmar. You see these guerillas believe that touching women's underwear will rob them of their power. Interesting since they use rape as a weapon of war. Presumably they have to touch underwear then... Anyway, there is this campaing asking women to send in their panties to these guerillas as a peaceful way to help fight them and show solidarity to women being affected by the brutal fighting. Check out this site
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Walking Hurt
I sprained my ankle yesterday. I was hoisting Penboy over this guardrail and I stepped onto the pavement wrong and my left foot lost balance and twisted. Ouch. I set the child down and he dropped the water cup he was holding. Of course there was screaming at that. I wanted to scream too, in pain. I have not sprained my ankle in a long time, in fact, the last time was when I was still teaching. I was leaving this bar, the Green Room. I was wearing shoes with pretty high heels (for me) and sprained my ankle on the stairs. Then for about a month I had to wear flats and limp. Well, it was the same today. Ugly shoes and limping. Fabulous. And just as I spotted this lovely pair of pumps...
I was going over the guard rail in the first place because we were picking up some rugs that I bought from a co-worker. She's changing decor and one of the rugs is Egyptian Gabbeh, which normally go for about 400 bucks. I got it for 50. The other one is not a Gabbeh, but in that style. OK, they're used. OK, they need cleaning. Some people even likened them to something one might find at a dump. Well, I think they have character. Apparently that might not be a high selling point. Sigh.
OK, now I will go and eat ice cream and maybe sit on my antique "ordures" style rug and nurse my sore foot and my thumb that I closed a door on. Yeah, it's not been the best couple of days.
I sprained my ankle yesterday. I was hoisting Penboy over this guardrail and I stepped onto the pavement wrong and my left foot lost balance and twisted. Ouch. I set the child down and he dropped the water cup he was holding. Of course there was screaming at that. I wanted to scream too, in pain. I have not sprained my ankle in a long time, in fact, the last time was when I was still teaching. I was leaving this bar, the Green Room. I was wearing shoes with pretty high heels (for me) and sprained my ankle on the stairs. Then for about a month I had to wear flats and limp. Well, it was the same today. Ugly shoes and limping. Fabulous. And just as I spotted this lovely pair of pumps...
I was going over the guard rail in the first place because we were picking up some rugs that I bought from a co-worker. She's changing decor and one of the rugs is Egyptian Gabbeh, which normally go for about 400 bucks. I got it for 50. The other one is not a Gabbeh, but in that style. OK, they're used. OK, they need cleaning. Some people even likened them to something one might find at a dump. Well, I think they have character. Apparently that might not be a high selling point. Sigh.
OK, now I will go and eat ice cream and maybe sit on my antique "ordures" style rug and nurse my sore foot and my thumb that I closed a door on. Yeah, it's not been the best couple of days.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Where has pengirl been?
Well, busy working, that's what. Learning all about secret company and whatnot. Trying to avoid walking in case of TTC strike. Also, been struck by this plague that's going around and having trouble kicking it.
The joys of talking child.
My son hates having his hair washed, which is weird because normally he loves the water. I told him last night we needed to wash his hair. This we do in the bath. Well, when bath time came, I said "Bathy time!" "No!" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Not dirty," he says. Hm.
Well, busy working, that's what. Learning all about secret company and whatnot. Trying to avoid walking in case of TTC strike. Also, been struck by this plague that's going around and having trouble kicking it.
The joys of talking child.
My son hates having his hair washed, which is weird because normally he loves the water. I told him last night we needed to wash his hair. This we do in the bath. Well, when bath time came, I said "Bathy time!" "No!" he says. "Why?" I ask. "Not dirty," he says. Hm.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Among the Employed
Yes, pilgrims, I am a worker bee once again. I work for a company that cannot be mentioned because I can't bring it into disrepute by any means at all, so I will just stay away from mentioning its name or business. It's all good though. I have a real cube once again, not that open concept crap like my last job. I have a window near. I am downtown. It's a year contract, but hey, a lot can happen in a year.
Polar bear bite vaccine
OK, so I could not not mention this. On my STC list serv a person from the States (let's call him, oh, Ned) mentioned that he is coming to Toronto soon to give a talk and he was asking his fellow list members what kind of VACCINES he should get before coming to Canada. That's in case he gets bitten by a polar bear, I guess and he develops an unexplainable love of Tim Horton's, hockey and normal strength beer. None of the Canadian list serv members replied to this, but many American ones did. To give them credit, nobody suggested Ned go to his doctor immediately and get all the tropical disease shots available to mankind. Ooh, it now strikes me I should have. Damn.

Polar bear bite vaccine
OK, so I could not not mention this. On my STC list serv a person from the States (let's call him, oh, Ned) mentioned that he is coming to Toronto soon to give a talk and he was asking his fellow list members what kind of VACCINES he should get before coming to Canada. That's in case he gets bitten by a polar bear, I guess and he develops an unexplainable love of Tim Horton's, hockey and normal strength beer. None of the Canadian list serv members replied to this, but many American ones did. To give them credit, nobody suggested Ned go to his doctor immediately and get all the tropical disease shots available to mankind. Ooh, it now strikes me I should have. Damn.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
The winter blues
Yes, another bloody snowstorm. The munchkin did not go to school today beacause there is so much freaking snow on the ground!! It's getting me down. I fear only a new purchase of bling will be able to help this. Or at the very least some Brie cheese and cheap German wine. And chocolate. It's also International Women's Day. Last year at work we did a little gifite exchange among all the women and this year - squat. Even I forgot, which makes me even sadder.
In knitting news, the Dr. Who scarf:

I think it looks rather well. I added a fringe on the bottom after this pic was taken. That's Mr. P looking all suave in it.
Now it's time to finish some of the other multitude of projects I had begun - my mom's throw, the famous sweater...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
All quiet on the Western front
Meaning I am still looking for some gainful employment. It's a depressingly long process.
On the plus side, it's sunny today, however, the road construction trucks that have been permanently camped in front of my building are very active now and are roaring and making the walls shake. My street is a big mud hole and has been since November. I have to wonder at the existance of brains at city hall. The geniuses picked the absolute worst time of the year to schedule construction - frozen ground, snow storms followed by heavy rain. Lovely.
In knitting news, the Dr. Who scarf is finished! It's not quite as long as the original, but I think that will make it a little more manageable. Mr. P loves it and that's the main thing (there was semi dressed modelling of the scarf last night - hubba hubba). I know I've been promising pics. Here is one when the scarf was just a baby.

I love the colours on it, all rusts and browns. I still need to add a fringe on the bottoms. Then I have a line-up of other project to work on, including the famous sweater. If only someone wanted to employ me as a knitter!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Holy snow!
We have had about a tonne of it. Well, maybe not, but it feels like it. I mean mountains of snow on every street corner, slush everywhere and treacherous driving conditions. Grrr. I know, I know, this is Canada, but let's not exaggerate.
In knitting news, about half done on Dr. Who scarf. Can't wait to be done and have Mr. P sporting it around town. (aside from everything else, it will keep him warm)
Applying for jobs left right and center, but so far nobody has recognized how fabulous I am. I always loved the line from Working Girl when Tess (Melanie Griffith) asks Kathryn (Sigourney Weaver - love her), her boss about her boyfriend proposing.
Tess: What if he doesn't pop the question?
Kathryn: I really don't think it's a variable. I am in the same town now, I have cleared the month of June and I am after all, me.
Ahhh, such self confidence. This is what I should put down on my cover letters : I am after all, me.

Friday, February 01, 2008
An unusual place to shop
I discovered an unusual and slightly grim (perhaps) place to shop - hospital gift shops. They just rock! The first one I went to was at St. Joseph's Hospital, when Mr. P was having his nose surgery. I had to wait about three or more hours and had ample time to roam the hospital. Got totally groovy white lilac body lotion that time and a glowy wind up worm toy for Penboy, which totally freaked him out. Yesterday I went to see my mom at Toronto Eastern (she had thyroid surgery) and while she was sleeping, went down to get a coffee and, you guessed it, check out the gift shop. Well, the spoils included a nice angel key charm for me and a yellow smiley face ball for the munchikn. The only problem is so far that there are not too many man things there, but I suppose only women would think to shop at a hospital, so they must clearly know their audience well. These places seem to have a large selection of cosmetics from lesser known Canadian manufacturers that just smell heavenly. I checked out a mango body cream yesterday. Mmmm - it was like mango ice cream in a jar! I was good and did not get it, what with my newly imposed necessity for frugality.
I highly recommend shopping at your nearest hospital for gift items. The best thing is that the profits go to the hospital and because the shops are staffed with volunteers, they don't have to worry about salaries.
I discovered an unusual and slightly grim (perhaps) place to shop - hospital gift shops. They just rock! The first one I went to was at St. Joseph's Hospital, when Mr. P was having his nose surgery. I had to wait about three or more hours and had ample time to roam the hospital. Got totally groovy white lilac body lotion that time and a glowy wind up worm toy for Penboy, which totally freaked him out. Yesterday I went to see my mom at Toronto Eastern (she had thyroid surgery) and while she was sleeping, went down to get a coffee and, you guessed it, check out the gift shop. Well, the spoils included a nice angel key charm for me and a yellow smiley face ball for the munchikn. The only problem is so far that there are not too many man things there, but I suppose only women would think to shop at a hospital, so they must clearly know their audience well. These places seem to have a large selection of cosmetics from lesser known Canadian manufacturers that just smell heavenly. I checked out a mango body cream yesterday. Mmmm - it was like mango ice cream in a jar! I was good and did not get it, what with my newly imposed necessity for frugality.
I highly recommend shopping at your nearest hospital for gift items. The best thing is that the profits go to the hospital and because the shops are staffed with volunteers, they don't have to worry about salaries.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The company where I used to work and I have parted ways. Nothing drastic, just one of those business things. I am now among the ranks of the unemployed. Quite enjoying it too. Well, not enjoying having to look for a job, but totally enjoying having some more time to spend with Mr. P and Penboy.
I have been spending some time in the car lately though. I went to pick up my things from Company. This was at six in the evening. I left home early because I was worried about the traffic and ended up arriving almost an hour early. Went to Tim Horton's for a hot chocolate (which they were out of), but I could only stay there for half an hour because they only allow a half hour of parking time. A cop came by and wrote down the license plate of my car too, so I could not even fudge it. So, after half an hour I moved to the Company parking lot and parked in a visitor spot, as much out of the way as humanly possible. I saw people leaving, read my book (Wicked). Then it got darker and darker. I did not want to kill the earth by idling the car, so there was no heat. I was cold. It got too dark to read and then the wind picked up and it got kind of lonely. Luckily, it got to be time to go shortly.
Then yesterday, I went to meet with an outplacement company who will be helping me in my job search and got there too early. You guessed it, sat in the car, read my book... It was daytime and pretty warm though, so much better than the previous night.
It is super windy today. I lay awake at night listening to the wind howling. At one point the wind gust was so strong that the whole building shook. Not good.
In knitting news, now that I actually do not work until 4:00 a.m. and then go into work the next day (don't ask), I have some time to knit. Am making a Dr. Who scarf for Mr. P. The colours are lovely, all rusts, fawns and golds and I am quite enjoying it. Ah, if only one could make a career out of knitting!
The company where I used to work and I have parted ways. Nothing drastic, just one of those business things. I am now among the ranks of the unemployed. Quite enjoying it too. Well, not enjoying having to look for a job, but totally enjoying having some more time to spend with Mr. P and Penboy.
I have been spending some time in the car lately though. I went to pick up my things from Company. This was at six in the evening. I left home early because I was worried about the traffic and ended up arriving almost an hour early. Went to Tim Horton's for a hot chocolate (which they were out of), but I could only stay there for half an hour because they only allow a half hour of parking time. A cop came by and wrote down the license plate of my car too, so I could not even fudge it. So, after half an hour I moved to the Company parking lot and parked in a visitor spot, as much out of the way as humanly possible. I saw people leaving, read my book (Wicked). Then it got darker and darker. I did not want to kill the earth by idling the car, so there was no heat. I was cold. It got too dark to read and then the wind picked up and it got kind of lonely. Luckily, it got to be time to go shortly.
Then yesterday, I went to meet with an outplacement company who will be helping me in my job search and got there too early. You guessed it, sat in the car, read my book... It was daytime and pretty warm though, so much better than the previous night.
It is super windy today. I lay awake at night listening to the wind howling. At one point the wind gust was so strong that the whole building shook. Not good.
In knitting news, now that I actually do not work until 4:00 a.m. and then go into work the next day (don't ask), I have some time to knit. Am making a Dr. Who scarf for Mr. P. The colours are lovely, all rusts, fawns and golds and I am quite enjoying it. Ah, if only one could make a career out of knitting!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
1. Age you will be on your next birthday. (really tempted to say 29, but no)

2. Place you would like to visit.

3. One of your favourite places:
Estes Park, Colorado. Gorgeous scenery and the feeling this is the place time forgot.
4. Your favourite object.
Well, one of. Currently am into knitting a lot. Also love books, movies, music.
5. Your favourite food.
6. Your favourite animal.
Round, yet strangely graceful. Who could forget the dancing hippos in Fantasia! Need I say more?
7. Your favourite colour.
8. Name of a past pet.
OK, this was a hard thing to find a picture of. I had a hamster named Georgiana (not the hamster, of course, the name was hard to find).
9. Where you live.
TO, ON. Not that it looks like this most of the time.
10. First teacher's last name. It was Szybisz. Krystyna Szybisz. And she did not like me. Ah, well.
I don't know what this is supposed to be. It came up when I searched the last name.
11. Your middle name. Don't have one, but I always wanted to be Dorothea.
There you g0 - restless spirit - that's me.
12. Bad habit of yours.
Love, love, love jewellery. So, buying it is definintely a bad habit and costly. It serves no practical purpose at all and yet, I can't stop!!!
13. Your favourite flower.
14. Your favourite holiday.
I hate to sound corny, but it was my honeymoon. Mexico, the Mayan Riviera. Blue water, golden sand, swim-up bar.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Really have not had enough time to think of many, but here is what I came up with so far:
1. Learn to meditate. (What the heck, I can do it!)
2. Spend less money. (No more spur of the moment/emotional buys, this is it, I am cut off! This includes yarn.)
3. De-clutter. (Not sure I can do this one.)
4. Finish the mister's sweater. (OK, it's been over three years, this is getting ridiculous!)
5. Travel, travel, travel! (Mr.P and me on a beach)
6. Figure out the meaning of life, existence of a higher benevolent being, and how to save the world from itself.
There, that ought to do it.
No weight loss, you ask? Well, if I get all of the above done, I think the weight will take care of itself.
Happy New Year! Champange wishes and caviar dreams (or whatever). What is Robin Leach doing these days anyway?
Really have not had enough time to think of many, but here is what I came up with so far:
1. Learn to meditate. (What the heck, I can do it!)
2. Spend less money. (No more spur of the moment/emotional buys, this is it, I am cut off! This includes yarn.)
3. De-clutter. (Not sure I can do this one.)
4. Finish the mister's sweater. (OK, it's been over three years, this is getting ridiculous!)
5. Travel, travel, travel! (Mr.P and me on a beach)
6. Figure out the meaning of life, existence of a higher benevolent being, and how to save the world from itself.
There, that ought to do it.
No weight loss, you ask? Well, if I get all of the above done, I think the weight will take care of itself.
Happy New Year! Champange wishes and caviar dreams (or whatever). What is Robin Leach doing these days anyway?
New Year
Christmas was nice albeit quiet. Apart from having to take Alex home from my parents' house at 9:30 at night on Christmas Eve, that is. He just would not sleep there and he did the quiet sob that just welled up inside him. So, I said "we're going home!" We were all in jammies at this point. Mr. Pengirl was a great trooper. I'm sure he was not impressed, but pulled his pants on and picked up Alex's stuff and off we went. My baby is just like me when I was little - dinner, potty and bed were at home. I did not want to eat, go to the toilet or sleep anywhere else until I was a lot older. Then of course, that is all I wanted to do.
I got some lovely things under the tree - a star necklace from the hubby, some cool books, a gorgeous carved head that hubby made in secret, a bag, choccy, ice wine, my fave green pomengranate tea. It was gooood!
I had to work most of the holiday break. Bleah. And now I am super tired both psychologically and physically. And the work is far from done. And I just don't want to do it. I just want to rest and cuddle in Mr. P's arms. Oh, yeah!
Christmas was nice albeit quiet. Apart from having to take Alex home from my parents' house at 9:30 at night on Christmas Eve, that is. He just would not sleep there and he did the quiet sob that just welled up inside him. So, I said "we're going home!" We were all in jammies at this point. Mr. Pengirl was a great trooper. I'm sure he was not impressed, but pulled his pants on and picked up Alex's stuff and off we went. My baby is just like me when I was little - dinner, potty and bed were at home. I did not want to eat, go to the toilet or sleep anywhere else until I was a lot older. Then of course, that is all I wanted to do.
I got some lovely things under the tree - a star necklace from the hubby, some cool books, a gorgeous carved head that hubby made in secret, a bag, choccy, ice wine, my fave green pomengranate tea. It was gooood!
I had to work most of the holiday break. Bleah. And now I am super tired both psychologically and physically. And the work is far from done. And I just don't want to do it. I just want to rest and cuddle in Mr. P's arms. Oh, yeah!
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