All quiet on the Western front
Meaning I am still looking for some gainful employment. It's a depressingly long process.
On the plus side, it's sunny today, however, the road construction trucks that have been permanently camped in front of my building are very active now and are roaring and making the walls shake. My street is a big mud hole and has been since November. I have to wonder at the existance of brains at city hall. The geniuses picked the absolute worst time of the year to schedule construction - frozen ground, snow storms followed by heavy rain. Lovely.
In knitting news, the Dr. Who scarf is finished! It's not quite as long as the original, but I think that will make it a little more manageable. Mr. P loves it and that's the main thing (there was semi dressed modelling of the scarf last night - hubba hubba). I know I've been promising pics. Here is one when the scarf was just a baby.

I love the colours on it, all rusts and browns. I still need to add a fringe on the bottoms. Then I have a line-up of other project to work on, including the famous sweater. If only someone wanted to employ me as a knitter!