Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Plague

I think this must be the time of year, because we are all sick. And I mean sick, not with little colds, no puffers and antibiotics are involved. For a little while I wondered if we had H1N1. I don't think so though. I certainly don't have the right symptoms. Well, anyway, it's not fun, especially with a very energetic five-year-old who is feeling fairly well and wants to play elaborate car games.

Oh, and by the way, if I see much more of Max and Ruby, I will go postal. Penboy LOVES Max and Ruby. Mr. P and I both loathe it. I have never heard on cartoon TV a more condescending and patronizing voice than Ruby's. I think I'd rather listen to Elmo's annoying laugh.

They look cute, don't they? Do not be fooled!

In crocheting news - excitement! I have finally begun a granny square afghan. I made two squares so far and the afghan calls for 90. So, that makes one square a night for three months and I should be done! Only have 88 to go now. If Mr. P watches one of his fave programs on TV (involving dinosaurs, or real-life cop chases, or dinosaurs chasing cops), I should be able to churn out two or three in one night!

I am sadly behind in making jewellery. I originally planned to give it as Christmas gifts, but I see that won't happen now. I got some nice art nouveau brass pendants on etsy and began making the necklaces to hold them, but sadly my enthusiasm waned. Luckily, I have two birthdays right after Christmas, so that's where they'll go.

We are off to Zellers today to get skates and a helmet for my child. He shows very little predilection for winter sports and I would like to get him excited at least about skating. I mean, we are Canadians, after all. I plan to take him to city hall, where there is a large skating rink with lights, music, and a big Christmas tree. Will keep you appraised of the results. Fingers crossed anyway.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

All I Want for Christmas

Happy December! It's Ho Ho Ho time soon. In keeping with the spirit of "getting," here is my wish list. (See Sally on Peanuts - "Christmas is the the joy of getting.") The two main ones are:

1. Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Mankind.

2. Health and Happiness.

And smaller things,

3. Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child.

4. "The Age of Innocence" DVD.

5. "Julie and Julia" DVD.

6. Bella's moonstone ring. Yes, I am smitten by the lore too, though I have not read the books.

7. Lots of yummy things to eat and good times and friends and laughing and joy.

Come to think of it, I'll be happy with #7.