Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Blues

A word about insurance companies - they are bloodsuckers! They will squeeze every penny out of you. This was brought on by my dear insurance company sending me a renewal of my insurance and raising the premiums $50.00 a month! I ask you! Pretty soon if this goes on, I won't be able to afford to have a car at all.

Read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and absolutely loved it! Am totally motivated to mediate now. I even bought a book on how to meditate called "The Power of Stillness." I had some success in my early days of meditation, but the last two days were not too successful. Basically it goes like this.

Om. Namah. Shivaya.

Damn that stupid insurance company!


Gee, I wish I were somewhere warm and lying on the beach. Maybe I'll mediate about that.


OK, back to it. Stillness is not thinking about the beach, it's concentrating on the mantra.




But the beach would be nice. Gee, I wish I were ten pounds thinner. Or twenty for that matter.


And that is when I gave up. Back to it again tonight. I think I am supposed to practice a different mantra this time. Om usually does it for me, but I need a different "emergency" mantra for tougher days.