Spring officially came yesterday. This is calendar spring, you understand. The real thing is a far-off dream. It's cold out there! It snowed both yesterday and today. In fact, it's snowing right now.
In more exciting news... I re-activated my Etsy shop. Posted one item for sale. Now, I know, one item is nothing, but, it's a try. Here it is.
Finally bought "My Neighbour Totoro" by Hayao Miyazaki. I love it. The men in my household totally scoff at it, but I guess I just really like the idea of having a spirit (albeit a big fuzzy one) watching over me and coming to my help when I need it. And sometimes I feel very much like Mei and at others like Satsuki.
Even got myself a free Totoro pattern. Just need some grey felt and I can make him. I'm such a kid.