I had the best intentions. Really, I did. Is blogging passe? Perhaps.
Time is growing closer to birthday/Christmas time for me. Everyone in my life, with a few exceptions, has their birthday in November, December, and January.
And it was about a year ago that I started the course in meditation. And I am still not finished. The good thing is that I am a lot more successful in doing meditation now than I was a year ago. It has to be guided meditation, but at least it is a kind of meditation.
Life is a bit challenging at the moment. Mr. P has to work six days a week, so I feel somewhat alone. When he's not at work, he needs to rest, so weekends are not that much fun. I do have a surly 11-year-old for company, of course. It's funny how quickly they start to act like teenagers now.
Of course, this is nothing compared to being in many places in the world, oh, like Aleppo, for example. So time to count blessings. :)