I need a new job. I have done nothing original in a year and that's bad. Ever since I started here, I have been doing nothing but updates of other people's documents and then on review, it turns out that the updates may be correct, but the other people's stuff is not and I get the blame. F#$#^k it! It's time to go. OK, OK, if I got a huge raise, I might stay, but as my meager salary according to HR is market value, that does not seem likely.
Also, I work with people who do not talk. Not that I am the world's biggest talker. They just sit there at their desks. The only time I found out anything about Chrissie or Jon was at the Christmas lunch, after they had a glass of wine. Oh, yeah, and Chrissie and Jon go for coffee together always. Their desks are located about ten feet away from the coffee machine, I might add, but they clearly need each other's support as they navigate the treacherous hall area. My private opinion is that they're doing it. At least I think she wants to. Can't think why, maybe it's to stroke that peach fuzz he calls hair.
I've been here for seven months and I still feel like I don't fit in. OK, so I'm having a moan. It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. I better write a bestseller soon so I can get out of here!!!!
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