Ukrainian Fest
On Saturday I had to go to a photographer to get a couple of passport pictures - one for me, one for my bebe. I completely forgot about the Ukrainian festival that went on in Bloor Village. Well, here I am, with the small stroller, hauling my poor baby through parades of ex PMs, dancing folk groups, beating drums and Falun Dafa members. Though what Falun Dafa has in common with the Ukraine I have no clue. I think they just take advantage of any old festival. Alex was super good and he did not cry even though there was a lot of noise. People were walking like idiots too, nearly smashing into us and I had to give some very stern looks and a few choice words here and there too.
Finally got to Black's and got my photo taken. Then it was Alex's turn, which was a bit tricky. As soon as he sees a camera pointing at him, he breaks out into the biggest grin. Apparently, for passport photos you're not supposed to smile. Had a time getting him to be serious and look straight ahead. Finally did, but he had his lips parted and the lady who was taking the picture seemed very unhappy with that. Apparently, for passport photos you're supposed to have your mouth closed. But he's nine months old! I protested. " Well, maybe they will accept it," she said. I guess we'll see.
Overall though my little guy and I had a great time at the festival. We wandered around while our pics were being printed. I embarked on a semi hearted search of a colourful flower head dress that I saw women wearing. It reminded me of my days as a kid in Poland and all the church fetes in the little villages I attended when on holidays. They always sold little paper flower tiaras for girls and there were raffles too where for a small fee the child drew for a prize. In one of those I won a small ring with a red stone. It was base metal and the 'stone' was actually plastic, but to me it was a treasure and now I wish I had it. I went to that one with my mom. We were on vacation in the mountains. Anyway, I could not find a flower tiara and the cute Ukrainian pattern mug that I was going to get for my hubby was $16 bucks, so I did not get that either. I did get a cute toy for my boy though, so it wasn't a complete shopping washout.
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