Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas to all you Christians out there. For you non Christians, happy Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and any and all other things you wish to celebrate.

And get your pencils ready to write down your wishlists for next year and your new year's resolutions. Mine is to snack healthily. That said, I better finish all the chocolate before the 31st.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

May you live in interesting times!

The times certainly do seem to be interesting, that is around me. Friends seem to be getting sick, collapsing unexpectedly. Others seem to have dropped off the planet. Others still are pregnant. I am grateful that so far, there seems to be no big changes in our lives, apart from Alex learning new stuff.

Charlotte is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. I am nervous. I know there are thousands of mastectomies done all the time, but still, I'm nervous.

Christmas is fast approaching, in fact, it's less than a week away. The weather is truly balmy, sunny and plus temperatures. I have all my shopping done, but as usual, keep thinking I missed someone. Did lots of laundry today, but still need to do more before the New Year. Now just the cleaning, the cooking, the wrapping, the decorating and I'll be done. Wondering how to keep little hands off Christmas ornaments. It will be interesting to say the least.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Leon, Leon

Yes, yule time is coming up soon. Am half done with the shopping. Must wait for pay day though. Really, all this hoopla for a few minutes of tearing paper. Santa did promise an mp3 player though.

As usual am going overboard with stuff at work - decorations, stockings, Advent calendars, cards. But it's just once a year... or in my case at every holiday, even some invented ones.

The little one is sick yet again. I think this will be the winter of snot. This time his nose was so runny that he had to wipe it literally every minute. He coughed so much he couldn't lie down and sleep. Poor little baby! I wished it was me and not him and of course, got my wish, am now getting sick too. Bleah!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

First snowfall

Yes, pilgrims, it snowed last night and some of it is still left on the ground. There was lovely sunshine in the morning too, to complement the lovely scenery, but now it's gone. Boo.

Very excited because my mom gave me some neat yarn. It's olive green and has a sparkly thread in it. She gave me three balls. Now, I wanted to make a shrug, but now am contemplating going the usual scarf route. I could make a matching hat. Of course, this needs to wait until I finish my poor husband's sweater. Mr. has been waiting for two years now while his wife went slumming with scarves for herself, auctions and people in general, baby hats and the like. Enough, I say, get your needles back home, woman!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's been a while

I've been here, just not in a writing mood. My good friend Charlotte has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is such a great lady and so does not deserve this! Anyway, there is no fairness with this disease so I won't even attempt to ask why her because it could just as easily be any one of us.

Not much else new has been happening. I have clearly not learned my lesson about getting involved in charitable activities because I am organizing Christmas bingo at work to benefit Toy Mountain. Well, it's Christmas and it's for kids... Now people seem to be turning to me for advice in organizing activities. How has this happened?! I am the worst organizer in the world.

In other news, my little munchking is now a full blown two-year-old. Oh, the whining when he doesn't get his way! Oh, the testing of boundaries! I only hope that it will only last one year and not too much longer. My poor husband bears the brunt of it all, being the stay at home dad. Yep, would switch with him in a minute. Maybe that will be my Christmas wish.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Ahh, what a balmy sunny day. I love these golden days of fall, before the frosts of November.

Took the munchkin to the doctor today to check on his little ears and all is well. The infection is gone. He did not take kindly to being listened to with the stethoscope.

Things have been insane at work with the United Way campaign and work itself. We had a pot luck last Friday. I was organizing it because "you like pot lucks." I don't. I was not about to force people to bring stuff either, so we had food, but not insane amounts like last year. There was grumbling on the UW committee that there was not enough, and I should have told them so they could call for pizza. Interestingly, other people complimented me on the lunch, the selection and were generally stuffed with food. I really think I will not participate in the United Way committee next year.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I love fall

Now that said, it's been bloody cold in this city. This is not a usual October. They are even talking snow today.

The United Way campaign is on at work. This is usually a lot of fun because we play games and have activities. This year, the first prize for email bingo is an iPod! Yesss, come to mama! Unfortunately, it's almost been a week and I only have five numbers so far. I'm not losing hope.

Here's a view from my balcony, for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

About knitting

I finished the scarf I am donating to the United Way auction at work. It came out quite good. Now, imagine the softest thing you ever touched. Yes, it is that soft. When I was working on it, I would occasionally bring it to work and knit with Wendy and people would stop by my desk and just stroke it. Hm. Here 'tis.

Lost Friends

Sometimes you meet people who touch you deeply. Sometimes they touch your heart, but for whatever reason you lose contact with them. Maybe it's my innate Taurus-ness, but I just cannot walk away from certain people though I suspect they would rather I did. There I am, hovering in the background, sending friendly vibes. Hoping for I don't know what. Because though once I did love, I can't again. All the same, there is a soft spot in my heart for these friends who were once a little more than that. One of these lost friends has given a sign of life and I am happy and sad at the same time.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Oh, brother!

Sickness has come upon us! Alex has an ear infection. Arthur and I have sinusitis. Fun. Between taking care of very fussy and unhappy baby and running to the doctor, pharmacy and bank, I managed to write the test in my copy writing course. Quite sure I flunked it though. I mean how good can you be with a 38 degree fever? Little bit of stress. AARRRRGGGGHHH!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The fall is sneaking up on me. Thanksgiving is just a month away and from there the next holiday is Christmas! I have already been thinking about what to get people and all of a sudden shopping now does not seem like such a crazy idea. Leaves are beginning to change colour. Geese are getting ready to do something (although I don't know what because they hardly fly away anymore). And to make it totally official, the heat came on in our building last night.

In knitting news, am almost at the end of the throw for Jen's grandma! Hurrah! I have about 20 more rows to go. This is good because I have about ten projects waiting for me, including a funky pink scarf, a red lacy scarf from a mohair yarn(!), a possible wrap, and of course, Arthur's sweater, which I began before Alex was born, so about two years ago. I have given up on buying knitting magazines and books because I know I will find something I will love and want to make it, but just don't have the time.

Oh, yes, must comment on this. Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter is dead, killed by a stingray. I say, the animals have gotten their revenge!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Not too much to report

August seems to be much kinder than July temperature-wise. The nights are cooler and I'm loving it up.

I am on a quest to buy a sewing machine. I saw one made by Kobe at a little sewing machine store two subway stops away. When I went back for it, all sweaty from walking, with baby and husband in tow, it was gone. Today I went to Wal-Mart to see what they had and there is one possible one. I still need to check out Sears. I know they have Kenmore and it's supposed to be second best. I don't need hundreds of stitches or anything, but I do need it to sew through denim and have some basic stitches, wind the bobbin automatically, etc. And I'd like it to last me a few years. I got all jealous of Glacia making her own dress.

My friend Emma came on Sunday, with her son Simon. Simon is almost four and very lively. We took the kids to a park. This was a major production as we had two kids, a kite, a stroller, snacks, a backpack and two purses. Alex rode in the stroller, though he was not happy about it. He fussed all the way there. Simon needed to be carried some of the way, especially up a hill. After a few years of wandering, we got to the park, where there was swinging, flying of kites, making bubbles and major fussing from Alex because I would not let him go into freezing cold wading pool water. We went back the same way we came, part pushing, part carrying, laughing ironically at what is called maternal bliss. It was good to see her though. Simon is big. He's going to school next month. It feels like yesterday he was a baby. It feels like yesterday Alex was a year old. And now look at them both... sniff. I'm so proud.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lest you thought I was bluffing...

About the knitting, that is. Here is what I have been working on for the last few months. It's a throw for the grandma of a co-worker of mine. I pledged my knitting services for the United Way and this is what she chose. The pattern is my own invention. Feast your eyes.

I am about 2/3 done. Now, Jen's grandma is coming the third week of this month and I would dearly like to be finished, but I don't have a lot of hope. Because it's a 100cm across, it takes time to do one row.

In other news, we saw a meteorite Sunday night. OK, I still call them falling stars, but only to myself, to avoid a roll of the eyes from my lord and master. I think they are falling stars though and I think it's a good sign, even if it did happen so fast that one did not have a chance to make a wish.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

Yes, my friends, it is a record breaker in Toronto. 36 degrees Celsius, with the Humidex in the high 40s. I thank God for a/c and hope there is not another blackout. It's bloody hot. I got no sleep last night because on top of the heat, I caught my baby's cold and was sniffling all night. Finally Arthur took pity on me, took the little one into the living room so I could get a few hours' sleep.

Today my brain is just melting. Alex had a 3 hour nap and is still fussy and crying. I understand. Weather like this should be against the law.

They were crying on the news this morning that they have cooling centers open all night and nobody is using them and that it costs $ 30 000 to do that. Well, one needs to GET to the cooling center, does one not? And how to do that with half the buses and all streetcars with no air conditioning? They would be better off handing water out to the homeless and ensuring all seniors are in a cool, airy place.

In other news, Castro has TEMPORARILY relinquished power to his brother Raul. People in Miami are celebrating. Hold on there, people, this is a temporary measure. This man is made of titanium and will even rule from the grave.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Dog Days

Quite pissed at work now. Was supposed to get raise. Raise will not happen. I got an "let's see in three months, shall we?" No, let's not! Also have two people I have to work with who know absolutely everything about everything. I suppose it must be quite comforting to them to know so much and have nothing to learn. It drives me up the wall. One of them reminds me of my sister, which is annoying enough. If she has my sister's characteristics too, things will be quite difficult. I suppose it's looking like it's becoming time for pengirl to sharpen her resume and hit the boulevard. Motivation to do stuff at work - ZERO!

Things seem to happen in bunches in my life lately. I've been thinking about my friendships and how they've changed over time. I worry that one especially may have and it makes me sad.

But really, my brain is melting from all this heat. Toronto is sweltering. My poor husband and baby are at home in our hot appartment. Hopefully they have turned the a/c on.

GRRRR to it all!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rainy afternoons

There have been changes at work. These changes were not good for 12 people who got to leave. I am in a new department. Feeling quite insecure. I have not felt like this since I left Evil Corporation. I suppose it will all fall into place eventually.

Had lunch with Charlotte. What a lovely, sweet person she is. We found 40 bucks on the street in the rain. Well, she spotted it, so I should say she found it. We split it. I felt like we should have looked for the person who lost it, but it was on the pavement, not even on the sidewalk, and there was nobody around in the pouring rain. We could hardly ask everyone at the restaurant if it was theirs, besides which everyone would have said "yes." I can't say it's not a God send. I need to buy diapers like today and had very little cash. Thank God for Charlotte as well. If I were not meeting her, I would not be on that street in the rain. And I would have just kept on walking and not looking at the ground either and not seen the money.

This is a bit of a trend. We won a portable radio in the Sick Kids Lottery. I wish it were a car, but I'm glad we won something and besides, the main thing is that the money will go to research and hopefully make a difference in treating diseases in children.

It's Wednesday, the middle of the week and a rainy one. My mood is rainy too.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Canada Day!

Yes, 'tis July 1 tomorrow. The day of Canucks. We will be saying aboot all day. Each sentence will be followed by, eh? A grand time will be had by all. Beer will flow (not at my house, mind, only milk flows at my house). Life will be all maple leafy.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Ahh, Chinese buffets!

Arthur and I went to Mandarin Palace for our anniversary/father's day dinner. Oh, the food. I mean literally there are troughs of the stuff. Arthur likes the seafood and this is the only place where he can have lots of it and I can have something else. We got to sit in the room with a little pond and huge golden carp or some other fish swimming in it. It was nice. I got to piggy out on dumplings and chocolate dipped strawberries that I love so much. It was good.

I got a carved elephant that totally rocks as a present. It's been a good three years. :)

Friday, June 09, 2006


All is not well in pengirl's world. Fierce Project Managers are breathing down her neck and tearing at her rear end, demanding nearly impossible editing tasks. Hours long commutes in the rain, on smelly buses and subways are zapping her energy. Adorable 18 month olds who do not want to fall asleep on time are eliminating her free time. Disheartened and tired husbands are moody and silent. OK, I exaggerate slightly, but only slightly. Not enough hours in a day? TELL me about it!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

my pet!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Frann's earrings

These are the Cinnabar earrings I made for Frann.

I really need to get an actual website for these.

In other news, we went to the doc for Alex's 18 month appointment. The doc was disappointed that Alex does not point at things. Well, he does not point beacuse we do not point. And that he does not say he wants something. He does not say it because if he wants it, he goes and gets it. This conversation ensued after we left the doctor's office and were commiserating at Mickey D's.

Arthur: I would like to know if there will be one time we go there when he does not say I'd like to see him do this or that.
Me: He doesn't point because we don't point.
Arthur: By the time he learns to point, we'll have to un-teach it.
Me: Next time we go there, the doctor will be asking why Alex is still not doing compound fractions.

OK, this child follows directions. He comes when called, looks for lost balls and brings toys. I think he's developing quite well. I think pointing is rude.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hot Wheels!

You Should Drive a Saturn Sky

You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona.
Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down.
Fun Times!

Pengirl and Charlotte's excellent adventure is on tomorrow. We were going to go to Niagara Falls and area, but it's supposed to pour (of course!), so it may have to be the ROM and then on to lunch at Hazelton Lanes. Oh, yes dahling, the high life. Either way, I am hoping to relax a bit and not think about author or his work. I have had a constant tummy ache for the last week. I so want to make the Friday deadline. I think I may have to burn some midnight oil. Sigh.

I made Charlotte a necklace and would have included a picture, but the camera ran out of juice and I don't know where Arthur has spare batteries. Anyway, it's pretty nice, with pink quartz and aventurine. What am I saying? It's so gorgeous that you'd want to tear your eyes out! There, that's better.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


It's a boring Wednesday, so Theresa and I have decided to call it Blackadder day and celebrate with a cake. She's a woman after my own heart.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da it is my birthday!
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da Happy Birthday to me!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Miss home

A pic my mom took in Poland. Ah, I miss it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sunny days

Had a bit of a heart to heart about work with Fran on the way home last night. She gave me a lift to the subway. Seems all is not wine and roses in her department. I am so lucky to be in mine. Wendy is really a good boss.

Been reading Oscar Wilde's short stories. I guess fables would be a more accurate way of describing them. They're quite spiritual and full of descriptions of physical beauty and jewelled interiors and whatnot. Makes me nostalgic for the fairy tales I used to read as a child.
You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you're craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Diet is blown

Unless of course, someone calls it a chocolate diet, then it's very much on. Cannot stay away from the stuff. I better get back to taking my thyroid herbs. I stopped for a bit to see what would happen, if I would see a difference of any kind. Well, yes, I eat more choccy. On the plus side, I had a chicken salad for lunch, with a small amount of dressing. If I get desperate enough, I might pull Dr. Phil's book out again. At least he says things like "losing weight is not about self-dscipline." Good. Clearly I have none.

In other news, my mom is back from Poland. She came back yesterday afternoon, but I won't see her until the weekend. She told me to bring a big bag to their place so we can take all the stuff that's for us. She's so sweet.

OK, time to blow this joint soon and go home. Must still pick up choccy bunny for husband and baby, though baby will not get to eat it. I don't want him eating chocolate until he's at least two. Oh, yes, a sugared up two-year-old is much better than a sugared up one and a half year old. :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's a secret!

I have begun a secret diet. That is I am on a diet, but am not telling anyone about it. Well, except for you, of course, gentle reader. That way there are no expectations and if I slip up and have a piece of cake, like this afternoon, nobody will raise any eyebrows. My diet consists of trying to cut down on my sugar. It really should not be that hard because there is lots of sugar in all kinds of foods, but yet, it is hard. Sugar is such a comfort.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A day of friends

Yesterday Emma came unexpectedly at 11:00 and we had an impromptu coffee. It was lovely. Then I had lunch with Delia and at the restaurant I met Lenin, Hernando and Luis. Days like this warm my heart.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Craziness downtown and other stories

So, weirdo downtown decides to either torch a Tim Horton's or kill himself in a really gruesome manner. OK, I'm no fan of Tim Horton's, but that's taking a statement a little too far. Sticking to Starbucks and 2nd Cup now, let me tell ya!

In other news. Sold a pair of earrings! My first pair! Am now bona fide jewelry designer. Should call myself jewel girl instead of pengirl. Or maybe just Jewel. No, wait, that's been done. Anyway, here they are.

Poor little baby has been sick. He's had a fever for three days now. I hate those three day fevers! Missed a deadline because of it, but I'd miss ten just so he would get better. Mom life that's what it is.

Friday, March 17, 2006

1. Which movie character is most like you?
Hard to say. So many appeal, but honestly, I don't think there's one that fits all of my personality. I'm all Dory from "Finding Nemo" most of the time. Yes, I'm a natural Blue!

2. Which TV character is most like you?
I really want to say Rachel from Friends, but I think I'm actually an amalgamation of Phoebe and Monica.

3. Which literary character is most like you?
Becky Bloomwood, aka the Shopaholic. Oh, I came close!

4. Which song describes you?

5. Which animal is most like you?
A dawg. Trusting, friendly.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I knew it!

Your Theme Song:

"Daydream Believer", The Monkees

'What is your theme song?' at

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Time and money wasters

There are days that leave me very unsatisfied with things in general, but mostly myself. I just bought something I should not have. Something I really and truly do not need. Now I'm having buyer's remorse, but it's too late. On the plus side, my order will help 13.5 children. My confirmation email says that and it makes me feel better, but I know I should not have bought it. Before you ask, it's more bling. Yes, gentle reader, pengirl should really be called magpie.

On that subject, Cristina, Emma's MIL, really liked my pieces and said she would wear the ones I left her. Maybe I might sell a necklace or two. That would rock.

Wendy, my boss, and I just had a conversation about food, involving cheese and olives. Guess what I'm SO craving now - goat cheese and big fat green olives. I think I might have to shop for yum yums tonight. Oh, and wine; oh, yes, wine!

Oh, yes, am very spoiled and should be saving money, but a girl's got to live!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

International Women's Day

And for all you men, who will immediately say, "When is men's day?" It's every other day of the year!

We have come a long way. We no longer need to work in poorly lit, non-ventilated rooms for 12 hours a day. We no longer need to either marry or go into servitude to earn our keep. Our children now belong to us, not to our husbands. We can vote. We are persons under the law. We can be pretty much anything we want.

However, we still do not get paid the same wage for the same job as men. We cannot be Catholic priests. We are still marginalized and "feminist" is still a dirty word.

Still, all in all, in the West, we have it pretty good. I would now like to salute our sisters in other countries who: cannot vote, can be thrown out of their homes and are only allowed to take what they are wearing, are burnt or stoned for not producing sons, are thought to not have souls, must work in dangerous conditions and are abused by their bosses and often their husbands as well, and have a whole other litany of misery, humiliation and unhappiness simply for being born women!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Sometimes I feel creative

And then I do things like this:

Monday, February 20, 2006

Love, love this!

Check out Brawny Man!

Ahh, balm for the woman's soul.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Yes, we do get to see some nice things

There are some spectacular sunsets in Toronto.
Mom time

A couple of weekends ago I got really sick. I mean, crawl on the floor sick. Now, I'm a grown woman with a husband and a child, but what did I really want? My mom. Well, I ended up getting mom time, though not what I had imagined. I had to go to the ER and my parents came to take me. My mom stayed with me in the waiting room and harrassed nurses to take me ahead of other patients (a totally pointless exercise, but I would have done the same in her place). I was in pain and nauseated and all kinds of yucky stuff, but I had my mom with me. We had some alone time and it was nice. Once they sent me home with a very uninspired diagnosis (it's a virus), I felt better, though tired and wanting nothing more but to lie down. My parents left immediately, but even though I had felt sick and had to wait for hours in the ER, I had a warm glow inside from mom time.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A meme from Glacia.

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they are any good, but they must be songs you are really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they are listening to.

OK, my seven do not blog. Well, one does, but she hasn't in like forever.

Hmm. OK, this is really hard. I have not listened to music in a while and the music I listen to is generally a canned tune played by a stuffed dog.

Ou sont tous mes amants - Vanessa Paradis and some other chick
Beacause sometimes you want your past lovers to assemble and sing your praises and of course, lament the fact that you have left them. But it rarely happens.

Blackbird - Sarah Maclachlan
I am so sorry, I have clearly no idea how to spell this woman's name, but the first verses of her voice singing this song just give me shivers.

I need you tonight - INXS
The old version. Somehow I just don't like the new guy. Often want to sing it to Arthur.

That new Madonna song.
I don't even know the title, but I like, yes I like.

Feeling Good - Michael Buble
Just sooo mellloooowww.

That song from Oh, Brother Where Art Though.
Soggy bottom boys, man! And it's because I have a soggy bottom boy at home.

Beyond the Sea - Frank Sinatra
Yes, I know, but it's also my little pumpkin's fave.

I tag Emma, Frann, Maria, Vanessa, Carol Ann, Wendy, Lorena

Thursday, January 26, 2006

A to Z Meme

Accent: Toronto Canuck with hint of Eastern European.
B - Breakfast Item: Cereal du jour
C - Chore you hate: Laundry
D - Dad's Name: Matthew
E - Essential everyday item: lip gloss
F - Flavour ice cream: Vanilla with chunks of fudge
G - Gold or Silver?: Both!
H - Hometown: Warsaw, Poland
I - Insomnia: Not lately, but yes, before I had a kid
J - Job Title: Technical Writer and Instructional Desiger
K - Kids: One, very cute one
L - Living arrangements: Husband, child
M - Mum's birthplace: Warsaw, Poland
N - Number of significant others you've had: hm, must I say?
O - Overnight hospital stays: One over night a few day surgeries
P - Phobia: Hate bugs
Q - Queer: Oooh, no!
R - Religious Affiliation: Catholic, but not very practicing
S - Siblings: One half sister who is incommunicado most of the time
T - Time you wake up: 6:00 am, sigh
U - Unnatural hair colours you've had: Too many to number
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Spinach
W - Worst habit: Bad money management
X - X-rays you've had: Knees, lungs and teeth.
Y - Yummy: Oranges and cherries and chocolate
Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus - bull in a China shop!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hump day

We woke up to a Conservative government yesterday morning. Not that this was unexpected, but still, I am not a happy camper. And to boot, they will likely call anothe election within two years to try to get a majority government. Ugh. What a waste of time and money. There are way too many elections in this country lately.

Alex has a cold. The poor mite is coughing in a very deep and ugly way. I just want to hug and hold him every time this happens, but he's off happily in his little world, exploring, pulling things off the table and other baby things. The latest is that he has learned to jump. He stands on the sofa, holds on to the back and jumps. Does the same on my lap, which can get a trifle painful.

Arthur is sick too. He sneezes and coughs all over the place and of course, I worry that it will go into his lungs. I've been knitting his sweater and am almost done the back. I have 7 inches to go.
I also bought some gorgeous yarn for a poncho and even began last night, but realized that I need larger needles. The yarn is sort of fuzzy and it's hard to work the pattern on it and it was the devil to take apart. I think this poncho will take a while or will become something else altogether.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Reflections for a Monday

Time is very relative. Right now on my computer, the time is 3:34 p.m. On my phone, it is 3:33 and on my old phone it's 3:31. My watch shows 3:32. This all shows very plainly that I am ready to go home and am watching the clock. Still an hour and 15 minutes to go though.

I have realized yesterday, as I was rocking my boy to sleep, that my life is about food. There is just way too much food in my life. The problem is that I like food, good food that is. If I can change the focus to something other than food, I bet I'll lose weight. But what? Of course, I can't remove food from my life completely or else I'll get very weak and die. It's a dilemma.

It's been cold as heck in TO the last few days. Today the temperature in the morning was -13 C, but it felt like -19. Brrr! For all you Fahrenheit folks, that's VERY COLD! There's a biting wind and even though it's sunny and beautiful, it's not fun to be outdoors. I'm sure I will feel that even more, as I wait for the bus later on.

And this brings us to 3:44. Still an hour to go.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Ah, love Fridays. And it's pay day to boot. This means that I might be able to get the wools for my bag project. I have this felted bag pattern I got free from Bernat or some place and it only takes a four balls of wool to make. The pattern is very complicated, but this bag looks SO good! I really want to try it. Arthur's sweater is taking me so long and I need a break so I can make something that can be completed in less time.

Alex slept last night! Well, that is, slept relatively well. He woke up a couple of times, but went back to sleep in his crib, allowing his exhausted parents to get some sleep.

Had to conduct a training session this morning and it went well. Now just waiting for lunch and I will go off to the bank, unless it's raining. Hope it's not because I want to stop by the new Japanese store on the way back. They have gorgeous bowls and I know I'm not supposed to buy them, but if I did, I could throw away those blue cheapie ones, that I'm afraid are lead glazed. Really, I'm doing it for our health! Really!

Friday, January 06, 2006

What a difference a few years makes

Yesterday when I came home and was playing with bebe while listening to my hubby prepare dinner, I was thinking how different this same scene was three years ago. Three years ago, I was single and would have come home probably late, having stopped on the way to do some shopping. I would have been sitting on the couch, maybe eating some sort of dinner (probably steak and egg), maybe not, depending on what my stop on the way entailed. I would be watching some sort of TV show, reclining on the pillows, relaxing. Maybe I would do some bike riding on my stationary bike.
The scene today: rush home from work, curse if there is a delay on the subway. As soon as I arrive, tear my work clothes off and put on house clothes. Wash hands twice and rush to be with my little man. Then tickle, kiss, hug him while Arthur is making yummy smells in the kitchen. The TV may be on, but I can only hear about half of what is being said and therefore only get half of every news story. Eat dinner, do dishes, give Alex a bath and put him to bed. Collapse on the couch in a state of exhaustion and mental fog. Thank God for every moment and for the fact that knitting does not require thinking.
Good times...

In response to glacia's meme. Have you ever:

smoked a cigar: no
crashed a friend’s car: no
stolen a car: no
been in love: yes
been dumped: yes
dumped someone: yes
taken shots of alcohol: yes
been fired: no
been in a fist fight: no
snuck out of a/your house: yes
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: yes
been arrested: no
made out with a stranger: no
gone on a blind date: no
lied to a friend: yes
had a crush on a teacher: yes
seen someone die:no
been on a plane: yes
thrown up in a bar: no
miss someone right now: yes
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: yes
made a snow angel: yes
played dress up: yes
cheated while playing a game: yes
been lonely: yes
fallen asleep at work/school: yes
used a fake id: no
felt an earthquake: yes
touched a snake: yes
run a red light: yes, but, but... OK, yes
had detention: yes
been in a car accident: yes
hated the way you look: yes
been lost: yes
been to the opposite side of the country: that depends which country. This one, no
felt like dying: yes
cried yourself to sleep: yes
played cops and robbers: no
karaoke: sigh, yes
done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: yes
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose: yes
caught a snowflake on your tongue: yes
kissed in the rain: yes
sang in the shower: yes
made love in a park: no
had a dream that you married someone: yes
glued your hand to something: no
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: no
worn the opposite sex’s clothes: yes
been a cheerleader: no
sat on a roof top: no
talked on the phone all night: no
ever too scared to watch scary movies alone: don't watch them at all!
played chicken fight: what the hell is that?
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: no
been told you’re hot by a complete stranger: yes
broken a bone: no
dipped snuff: what the hell does this mean?
lived overseas: well, I was born overseas, so technically am living overseas now
ever passed out/fainted: yes

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My past life

Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern South China around the year 1700.Your profession was that of a trainer or holder of fine animals, such as birds..
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. You could have been a leader.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:You are bound to solve problems of pollution of environment, recycling, misuse of raw materials, elimination of radioactivity by all means including psychological methods.

Find yours at: