These are the Cinnabar earrings I made for Frann.

I really need to get an actual website for these.
In other news, we went to the doc for Alex's 18 month appointment. The doc was disappointed that Alex does not point at things. Well, he does not point beacuse we do not point. And that he does not say he wants something. He does not say it because if he wants it, he goes and gets it. This conversation ensued after we left the doctor's office and were commiserating at Mickey D's.
Arthur: I would like to know if there will be one time we go there when he does not say I'd like to see him do this or that.
Me: He doesn't point because we don't point.
Arthur: By the time he learns to point, we'll have to un-teach it.
Me: Next time we go there, the doctor will be asking why Alex is still not doing compound fractions.
OK, this child follows directions. He comes when called, looks for lost balls and brings toys. I think he's developing quite well. I think pointing is rude.
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