So, it's official. How do I know, you ask. Because today I went to the hairdresser and found getting my hair washed totally annoying. This used to be such a treat for me! I loved the head and neck massage and getting my hair fussed over. Now, it's all about time. Sitting, having my hair washed for ten minutes made me want to throw things. Come ON, I thought, why is this taking so long? A sad state of affairs. I shudder to think what would happen if I went for a massage.
In other news, I went to see Charlotte in Newmarket and we went to the barn to see her horses. Let me preface this section by mentioning that I'm a total city girl. It was stinky to say the least. The horses were lovely, but they were big. Oh, boy were they big! And I'm not a small woman, mind. I was made to... I mean, I got to touch a couple of them. There were also very cute donkeys, which I petted with pleasure. One looked kind of like a walking chair. Overall had a great time though and it was nice to see Charlotte happy and in her element. Here's a pic of one of the horses.

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