The plague!
Soo sick! I hate being sick! I'm sure it's the flu, but it feels like the plague. My little guy is sick too and seems to find comfort in watching Lilo and Stich all day. Yesterday we saw it four times.

I think I have most of the dialogue memorized now. I let him watch because it is the only time he will sit still. If only he'd stay in bed, he'd get better much quicker, but he's still at an age where bed is not somewhere you want to be. Ah, if only someone wanted me to stay in bed all day! Such luxury and decandence!
Mind you, my parents brought over a chocolate cake on Sunday to celebrate the little birthday and I've been snacking on it ever since, so the situation is not that bad. Of course, Alex won't touch the cake, but does want chocolate cookies and Rockets candy (that's Smarties to all you American folk).
Gee, staying at home makes me want to shop online, which is very dangerous as my credit card balances creep steadily up. I love Christmas, but hate paying for it. Ah, well, am almost half done with my shopping and December is not even here yet. Hah!
Next pay day I am treating myself to a big jar of Nivea cream, which is my absolute fave. It's 15 bucks for the biggest jar in a neighbourhood pharmacy and it's the German made kind, which has a nicer smell than local one. Can't wait.
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