Outdone, Outmanouvered, Outsmarted!

Yes, ladies and gents, my child is a master manipulator and I bow to his superior strategizing abilities. Here is what happened.
On Thursday after dinner, he innocently said "Wanna go for a little walk?"
I agreed as I had to get something from the nearby grocery store. The store is in a little plaza that also has a couple of dollar/toy stores.
Penboy: Wanna look for Gordon at the plaza? (He is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine)
me: You know there are no Thomas toys at the plaza.
Penboy: Wanna look anyway?
me: Yeah, OK, we can look.
I foolishly thought that since there are no Thomas toys, we'd only look and leave. Oh, how wrong I was!
We went to the first dollar store and he had a cursory look at the toys. He expressed interest in a fire truck, but I was able to dissuade him easily. Then we went to the second store. And there, as large as life, was a yellow truck.
"Oh, wanna buy it?" Penboy said with innocent child hope in his eyes. And that was when it hit me. Whoa, he planned this all along. He was not looking for no Thomas toys! He knew perfectly well there are no Thomas toys at the plaza. He was counting on me getting him a toy because I'd feel bad that there was no Thomas. Oh, master manipulator!
I refused to buy the truck, but offered a green car instead (half the price). He refused the car.
"OK, then ," I said cheerfully "let's just go." That was when he stopped in the middle of the aisle and said tearfully "But I have to have SOMETHING!"
"Well," I said slowly "I do need a new lightbulb for my lamp. We can get that."
That was clearly not going to cut it. After long negotiations we left the store with some glass stars of the kind you put on the bottoms of vases. He's good, I tell ya. I am no match for him. I see a bright future in union mediation.
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