Saturday, September 05, 2009

What I've been doing
You may be wondering what I've been up to all this time. I've been busy.
I painted our bedroom (dusty pink, in case you can't tell from the picture).

I also made curtains for penboy's room.

And for the living room. All fabric from IKEA.

Oh, and inspired by Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, I've been learning how to make Julia Child's recipes.
Speaking of which, I have to go make dinner.
Bon Appetit!
They really are cold!

People in Toronto, that is. Or rather, nuts. And I'm not even talking about the crazies on Yonge street.

The other day I was at Winners, trying to buy a present for a friend. I thought I would buy earrings. I went up to the jewellery counter and gave the little earring tower a tentative turn. Just then a lady (and I use that term loosely) bent her head to look at something in the case. As a result, her head was very close to the earring thingie. I apologized. Even though it was not my fault. She straightened up, said nothing but stared at me.

"Yes?", I said.

"Sorry?!" she spat, "is that all you can say?"


"After you almost hit me, on purpose, you f***ing retard!!!"

"Why would I do it on purpose?" I was stunned to tell the truth.

At this point she launched into a litany of expletives, all addressed to me.

"If you think everyone is out to get you, that's not my problem." I said rather lamely and walked away.

More four letter words and name calling.

And she didn't even look crazy, she was wearing a business suit! Not that wearing one means you are sane, clearly. There was a woman standing next to her at the jewellery counter and she looked kind of shell shocked too. I hope that was not her friend.