They really are cold!

People in Toronto, that is. Or rather, nuts. And I'm not even talking about the crazies on Yonge street.
The other day I was at Winners, trying to buy a present for a friend. I thought I would buy earrings. I went up to the jewellery counter and gave the little earring tower a tentative turn. Just then a lady (and I use that term loosely) bent her head to look at something in the case. As a result, her head was very close to the earring thingie. I apologized. Even though it was not my fault. She straightened up, said nothing but stared at me.
"Yes?", I said.
"Sorry?!" she spat, "is that all you can say?"
"After you almost hit me, on purpose, you f***ing retard!!!"
"Why would I do it on purpose?" I was stunned to tell the truth.
At this point she launched into a litany of expletives, all addressed to me.
"If you think everyone is out to get you, that's not my problem." I said rather lamely and walked away.
More four letter words and name calling.
And she didn't even look crazy, she was wearing a business suit! Not that wearing one means you are sane, clearly. There was a woman standing next to her at the jewellery counter and she looked kind of shell shocked too. I hope that was not her friend.
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