Merry Christmas to All. God Bless Us Everyone!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The gods of electronics are displeased. In the space of a couple of weeks we lost our hard drive and our TV. They both just gave up. The hard drive HAD to be replaced immediately. We are doing with a tiny portable TV while waiting for dear dear Santa in the person of my lovely friend Car to give us a new TV.
In other news, attempts are being made to get into the black once again. I bought Gail Vaz Oxley's book on getting out of debt and am busy poring over budgets.
I am very proud of self. I am pretty much done Christmas shopping. I just have a couple more things to get, a box of hand cream for my mom and something for Mr. P, which I won't say because he sometimes reads this blog. Hah, thought I'd slip up there, eh?
There was decorating of Christmas trees today. Penboy is excited out of his mind. He is so wired that he has been closed to tears on several occasions. Can't wait for Christmas day!
The gods of electronics are displeased. In the space of a couple of weeks we lost our hard drive and our TV. They both just gave up. The hard drive HAD to be replaced immediately. We are doing with a tiny portable TV while waiting for dear dear Santa in the person of my lovely friend Car to give us a new TV.
In other news, attempts are being made to get into the black once again. I bought Gail Vaz Oxley's book on getting out of debt and am busy poring over budgets.
I am very proud of self. I am pretty much done Christmas shopping. I just have a couple more things to get, a box of hand cream for my mom and something for Mr. P, which I won't say because he sometimes reads this blog. Hah, thought I'd slip up there, eh?
There was decorating of Christmas trees today. Penboy is excited out of his mind. He is so wired that he has been closed to tears on several occasions. Can't wait for Christmas day!
Monday, November 01, 2010
So, this year we had to dress up at work. Yep, I know, I was kind of relieved not to have to do that the past two years and here I was all excited. Well, I was excited because I made my costume. Sewed it, no less. I was Pierrot. I made the shirt and the pants and the ruffle collar. Hah! Was very proud of self. The theme was the circus, btw, in case you're wondering why Pierrot. Which was a bit appropriate because I just read "Water for Elephants" by Sarah Gruen and it's about the circus too.
Here is moi, albeit you can only really see the collar.

Penboy went as a cat on trick or treating night and he made out like a bandit. We had two bags of goodies, which I am munching right now. Mmmm, Cheezies!
So, this year we had to dress up at work. Yep, I know, I was kind of relieved not to have to do that the past two years and here I was all excited. Well, I was excited because I made my costume. Sewed it, no less. I was Pierrot. I made the shirt and the pants and the ruffle collar. Hah! Was very proud of self. The theme was the circus, btw, in case you're wondering why Pierrot. Which was a bit appropriate because I just read "Water for Elephants" by Sarah Gruen and it's about the circus too.
Here is moi, albeit you can only really see the collar.
Penboy went as a cat on trick or treating night and he made out like a bandit. We had two bags of goodies, which I am munching right now. Mmmm, Cheezies!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Dog Days
The proverbial dog days of summer are upon us. It's been hot and humid most of July and it just makes everything sluggish.
Vacation was awesome, but it seems like so long ago now. We saw Kingston, albeit mostly Princess street. We also went on a 1000 Islands cruise. That was awesome. Nothing but water, rocky islands with trees and birds, bridges, boats. Oh, and multi-million dollar summer homes, of course. I loved it. There were few people on the boat, which was nice. We could look out from both sides of the boat, wander to the front and back (that's stern and bow for you boating people), take pictures, sit and relax.
Later on, we went to the hot air balloon rally in Wellsville, NY. That takes care of one of my entries off my bucket list. I have always wanted to see hot air balloons. There is just something romantic about hot air balloons. I always fantasized about lying in the grass, watching hot air balloons floating in the sky... Well, it didn't quite happen that way. There was sitting on the grass and watching hot air balloons taking off ten meters away!!! Mr. P ran into a lady (Dee) he had met earlier at the balloon rallies of yore and she got us pit passes. We got to go in, talk to the pilots, touch balloons. Penboy had a ball. We saw about 20 balloons launch. Unfortunately, the pilot of sky turkey (and Dee's brother all in one person) decided it was too windy to launch, so Penboy did not actually get to help with a launch. We had a great time though.
But now it's back to work... and heat... and commute. Summer in the city.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Yess, yess, it is here! Oh, happy days of splash pads, ice cream trucks, swimming pools, and trips to the beach! Of course, with that come the days of heat and humidity and a perpetually sweaty forehead. But no matter.
Party life
So, bbq season was officially kicked off by my friend Car. Unfortunately, the day of her bbq, it was about +15C and sprinkling. As a consequence, most of the party happened indoors. I love Car dearly, but I had never met any of her other friends. Most of them I really liked, with one notable exception. Let's call her... Celine. Celine was very helped Car with her health in the past and remained a friend afterward. Celine is from la belle provence and has a bit of an accent, which was charming, until this conversation took place. Let me explain first that Celine has no children nor does she work with them or have any real contact with them. Penboy was at the party and was excitedly running around with the dogs, having lots of fun.
Celine and I were in the kitchen. Alone. Penboy flitted through in chase of a dog.
Celine: Your son, he is so tall!
me: Yes, well, he has tall parents.
C: Your son he has, umm, autistic?
me: Excuse me?!
C: No? He has autistic?
me: No, he does not have autism.
C: Well, what does he have? He has SOMETHING!
me (at this point my eyebrows reached my hairline): Why do you say that?
C: Because he is running around like that.
me: He's five. And he does not have a disorder of any kind.
At this point I left the kitchen to join Car's nice and well-bred friends on the terrace. I did not speak another word to Celine though she tried to talk to me. Let me explain to those of you who have no offspring. You do not suggest to a mother (that you have known for five minutes) that her child has an unknown syndrome of some kind.
The Graduate
Penboy graduated from kindergarten on Monday. He had a little hat with a tassel and got a diploma. It was all very touching and exciting. He's grown so much and can read some stuff and write letters. He's good at math and is interested in all kinds of things. Aww. So proud.
Yess, yess, it is here! Oh, happy days of splash pads, ice cream trucks, swimming pools, and trips to the beach! Of course, with that come the days of heat and humidity and a perpetually sweaty forehead. But no matter.
Party life
So, bbq season was officially kicked off by my friend Car. Unfortunately, the day of her bbq, it was about +15C and sprinkling. As a consequence, most of the party happened indoors. I love Car dearly, but I had never met any of her other friends. Most of them I really liked, with one notable exception. Let's call her... Celine. Celine was very helped Car with her health in the past and remained a friend afterward. Celine is from la belle provence and has a bit of an accent, which was charming, until this conversation took place. Let me explain first that Celine has no children nor does she work with them or have any real contact with them. Penboy was at the party and was excitedly running around with the dogs, having lots of fun.
Celine and I were in the kitchen. Alone. Penboy flitted through in chase of a dog.
Celine: Your son, he is so tall!
me: Yes, well, he has tall parents.
C: Your son he has, umm, autistic?
me: Excuse me?!
C: No? He has autistic?
me: No, he does not have autism.
C: Well, what does he have? He has SOMETHING!
me (at this point my eyebrows reached my hairline): Why do you say that?
C: Because he is running around like that.
me: He's five. And he does not have a disorder of any kind.
At this point I left the kitchen to join Car's nice and well-bred friends on the terrace. I did not speak another word to Celine though she tried to talk to me. Let me explain to those of you who have no offspring. You do not suggest to a mother (that you have known for five minutes) that her child has an unknown syndrome of some kind.
The Graduate
Penboy graduated from kindergarten on Monday. He had a little hat with a tassel and got a diploma. It was all very touching and exciting. He's grown so much and can read some stuff and write letters. He's good at math and is interested in all kinds of things. Aww. So proud.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monthly Update
I say monthly because it seems I write once a month these days. All because Secret Company does not allow blogging at work and comes down hard on people who do. Fair enough, but that means I have little time to blog. Not that I have that many topics...
Attended a fabu conference in Rochester run by the Society for Technical Communicators. Met a whole bunch of nice people and even learned a bit. The hotel (Hyatt Regency) was very nice and had a pool. Mr. P, Penboy and I splashed for a few hours on the night before the conference. Penboy even dared let go of us and splash by himself (with two life preserves on, of course). Earlier there had been panicky clutching of my hair. I swear, I will go bald one of these days because when he's scared of something, he grabs my head and holds on to my hair.
After conference, we went down to visit FIL. With the dollar (then) being at par, we splurged on a portable DVD player. Ahhh, new electronics, love them.
Then of course, on Saturday morning, I woke up to the news that the upper part of the Polish government had been wiped out in a plane crash. I was in shock. My mom was still in Poland and we were worried that air traffic would be cleared for visiting dignitaries and she would not be able to return on time. This was all before the crazy Icelandic volcano eruption, of course. Yes, we do live in interesting times. My mom came back as planned though. Volcano held off until later in the week.
In browsing the net, I found a picture that epitomizes me (I'm sure Mr.P will agree here). It is called the Magpie Fairy. I shamelessly pilfered it from here:

Because I am doing some spiritual work with meditiation and reading about Buddhism and stuff, I spent a period agonizing over my love of bright shiny objects. I think I just need to come to peace with it though. This is who I am, the Magpie Fairy.
I say monthly because it seems I write once a month these days. All because Secret Company does not allow blogging at work and comes down hard on people who do. Fair enough, but that means I have little time to blog. Not that I have that many topics...
Attended a fabu conference in Rochester run by the Society for Technical Communicators. Met a whole bunch of nice people and even learned a bit. The hotel (Hyatt Regency) was very nice and had a pool. Mr. P, Penboy and I splashed for a few hours on the night before the conference. Penboy even dared let go of us and splash by himself (with two life preserves on, of course). Earlier there had been panicky clutching of my hair. I swear, I will go bald one of these days because when he's scared of something, he grabs my head and holds on to my hair.
After conference, we went down to visit FIL. With the dollar (then) being at par, we splurged on a portable DVD player. Ahhh, new electronics, love them.
Then of course, on Saturday morning, I woke up to the news that the upper part of the Polish government had been wiped out in a plane crash. I was in shock. My mom was still in Poland and we were worried that air traffic would be cleared for visiting dignitaries and she would not be able to return on time. This was all before the crazy Icelandic volcano eruption, of course. Yes, we do live in interesting times. My mom came back as planned though. Volcano held off until later in the week.
In browsing the net, I found a picture that epitomizes me (I'm sure Mr.P will agree here). It is called the Magpie Fairy. I shamelessly pilfered it from here:

Because I am doing some spiritual work with meditiation and reading about Buddhism and stuff, I spent a period agonizing over my love of bright shiny objects. I think I just need to come to peace with it though. This is who I am, the Magpie Fairy.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
March Blues
A word about insurance companies - they are bloodsuckers! They will squeeze every penny out of you. This was brought on by my dear insurance company sending me a renewal of my insurance and raising the premiums $50.00 a month! I ask you! Pretty soon if this goes on, I won't be able to afford to have a car at all.
Read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and absolutely loved it! Am totally motivated to mediate now. I even bought a book on how to meditate called "The Power of Stillness." I had some success in my early days of meditation, but the last two days were not too successful. Basically it goes like this.
Om. Namah. Shivaya.
Damn that stupid insurance company!
Gee, I wish I were somewhere warm and lying on the beach. Maybe I'll mediate about that.
OK, back to it. Stillness is not thinking about the beach, it's concentrating on the mantra.
But the beach would be nice. Gee, I wish I were ten pounds thinner. Or twenty for that matter.
And that is when I gave up. Back to it again tonight. I think I am supposed to practice a different mantra this time. Om usually does it for me, but I need a different "emergency" mantra for tougher days.
A word about insurance companies - they are bloodsuckers! They will squeeze every penny out of you. This was brought on by my dear insurance company sending me a renewal of my insurance and raising the premiums $50.00 a month! I ask you! Pretty soon if this goes on, I won't be able to afford to have a car at all.
Read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert and absolutely loved it! Am totally motivated to mediate now. I even bought a book on how to meditate called "The Power of Stillness." I had some success in my early days of meditation, but the last two days were not too successful. Basically it goes like this.
Om. Namah. Shivaya.
Damn that stupid insurance company!
Gee, I wish I were somewhere warm and lying on the beach. Maybe I'll mediate about that.
OK, back to it. Stillness is not thinking about the beach, it's concentrating on the mantra.
But the beach would be nice. Gee, I wish I were ten pounds thinner. Or twenty for that matter.
And that is when I gave up. Back to it again tonight. I think I am supposed to practice a different mantra this time. Om usually does it for me, but I need a different "emergency" mantra for tougher days.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day
It was a good one this year, peeps. I got a gorgeous art nouveau ceramic box, an Egyptian canopic jar, a really nice Second Cup mug, and little fun toys which I will leave to your imagination. All from Mr. P. :) Penboy gave me a Valentine which he signed himself and where he tried to write Mama, but wrote Mami. I am keeping it for evah!

In other news, sister-in-law is getting a divorce. I spoke to her at length on the phone. It left me feeling down. Then we were supposed to go to Car for dinner, but when we pulled out of the garage, spotted a big flat tire. As it's Family Day, our friendly neighbourhood garage is closed, so there was no going anywhere today. Just a bit of a grey, down day today.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New Year, New Me?
Every year I read the January "New Year, New You" issues of magazines. Not this year. I have decided to give the old me free reign. That said, I did come up with some very unpleasant resolutions:
1. Spend less money.
2. Eat less sugar.
3. Eat less fat.
4. Eat less of everything.
5. Exercise more.
6. Lower debt.
So, a quick review of the holiday season. Santa brought me the coveted Julia Child book and also French Chef on DVD! I immediately made Beuf Bourginion and a lovely roast chicken for Mr. P's birthday that I had to baste EVERY 15 MINUTES! But, oh it was so worth it!
Watched a bunch of movies that found their way under the tree: Howl's Moving Castle, Star Trek, Julie and Julia.
We all finally got over our colds/bronchitises at the beginning of January.
Had my performance review at work and got a very good rating!
We went to Casa Loma a couple of weekends ago and had a blast.

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