I say monthly because it seems I write once a month these days. All because Secret Company does not allow blogging at work and comes down hard on people who do. Fair enough, but that means I have little time to blog. Not that I have that many topics...
Attended a fabu conference in Rochester run by the Society for Technical Communicators. Met a whole bunch of nice people and even learned a bit. The hotel (Hyatt Regency) was very nice and had a pool. Mr. P, Penboy and I splashed for a few hours on the night before the conference. Penboy even dared let go of us and splash by himself (with two life preserves on, of course). Earlier there had been panicky clutching of my hair. I swear, I will go bald one of these days because when he's scared of something, he grabs my head and holds on to my hair.
After conference, we went down to visit FIL. With the dollar (then) being at par, we splurged on a portable DVD player. Ahhh, new electronics, love them.
Then of course, on Saturday morning, I woke up to the news that the upper part of the Polish government had been wiped out in a plane crash. I was in shock. My mom was still in Poland and we were worried that air traffic would be cleared for visiting dignitaries and she would not be able to return on time. This was all before the crazy Icelandic volcano eruption, of course. Yes, we do live in interesting times. My mom came back as planned though. Volcano held off until later in the week.
In browsing the net, I found a picture that epitomizes me (I'm sure Mr.P will agree here). It is called the Magpie Fairy. I shamelessly pilfered it from here: http://www.josephinewall.co.uk/magpie.html

Because I am doing some spiritual work with meditiation and reading about Buddhism and stuff, I spent a period agonizing over my love of bright shiny objects. I think I just need to come to peace with it though. This is who I am, the Magpie Fairy.
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