Yes, another one. It came on subtly. We did not make it until midnight. That is, I read in bed until about 11:00 and then could not fall asleep, so actuall saw midnight come and go, but that's it.
I just have one resolution - to take more action rather than wait for things to "improve."
Today was Mr. P's birthday. We went for our usual Mandarin Palace lunch. I find that buffet places are a waste of time on me. I can eat one plate of food. I had some dessert as well and then I was over-full. Also, their quality has deteriorated or maybe I have become more discerning. Anyway, Chef's House it is not. Munching on my papaya enzymes now.
Christmas was good except for all of us being sick. Seems that every year at this time we all get sick. I got some excellent loot from Santa.
and more stuff too, of course, including a new very chic watch from my friend Car. She spoils me so. I wish I could reciprocate.
Penboy has been begging for a new Leapster and we got it for him today - Leapster Explorer. Of course, we now have to get new games for it. Sigh. Toy manufacturers are evil. For Christmas Santa brought him a new hamster whom he named Henry. Henry is very cute and happily climbs onto my hand. Penboy very quickly adapted to Henry. I was worried that he'd be a bit scared. At first he was unsure, but when he picked up Henry for the first time, it was a love affair at first touch.
I got Mr. P a collection of four Sci Fi movies, including 2001 The Space Odyssey. I think it will be many happy hours of knitting time for me.
Happy New Year to all!
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