'Tis the Season... Almost
I can't believe it's almost Christmas. I've been trying to fashion my own felt decorations and let me tell you something - there is a reason you can buy these things instead of making them. Still, it's fun and I learned the blanket stitch pretty well.
Penboy and I are going to Casa Loma for gingerbread decorating later this month. I'm looking forward to seeing the castle decorated for Christmas. And speaking of gingerbread, I finally made it and it turned out pretty good, I think. Of course, my mom turned her nose up at it a bit, but I was expecting this. I was not given the honour of making it for the family at Christmas. That's OK, I will make it for friends.
Penboy has the sniffles. He went to a party Saturday afternoon and Sunday was sniffly all day. Today he's sniffly too. I am having tummy problems and I think a liquid diet will be de rigeur for the next little while. We're just a bunch of sickies right now.
Hoping to get out to the movies this season. I really want to see "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and "W.E." Both of them are coming out this Friday, I believe. Mind you, Alec Guiness will be a hard act to follow. Too bad they don't make "Smiley's People." Anyway, Moscow rules all the way.

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