Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye, 2013!

Goodbye, 2013, I am glad to see the back of you! I know I'm a sucker and believe that a change in the date on the calendar will bring on magically a change in life and circumstances, but hey, a girl can dream.

Christmas was pretty good. Got some very nice loot, including a Kindle. Yes, I caved, but only because it was going to be a Kindle Fire with games, books and videos. Basically, a tablet. Love it.

Also love the love and closeness at this time of year. The Mr. has a bit more time on his hands and this year he has lavished some extra attention on his lovely wife (moi) and I am loving it! I know this is all sappy stuff, but I do so love my husband. Penboy is all happy and bright and enjoying his pressies too and I get lots of love and cuddles from him.

Sad for many people, they spent Christmas in the dark and cold after the ice storm. We were extremely lucky not to lose power at all.

I hope everyone has a great start to 2014.

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