Friday, January 15, 2016

New Year

OK, it's the 15th of January, so not exactly New Year anymore, but it is still early in the year. Very early. And I am hoping this will be a better year than 2015, which I realize looking back was a very BAD year. It started off with the loss of my dear sister-in-law, Wendy on January 20. It ended with my mom having a heart attack (thankfully, she is recovering) and our friend and neighbour passing away in November. Crap, crap year. There were good bits, of course, but overall, I would like to cross 2015 off the books.

So I am hoping to boost my happiness in 2016. I read Gretchen Rubin's book "The Happiness Project," and I am inspired. I am not launching into a project like hers, but I would like to incorporate some of the things she writes about. And the old adage "if mama's not happy, ain't nobody happy" is true, so I need to take responsibility for my happiness and thereby increase everybody else's as much as is in my power.

So the work of January is to find out what makes me happy and what makes me unhappy. This sounds obvious, but it's not. I see some hard work ahead. And this is OK. I will try to report on progress here, even just to keep myself accountable. So stay tuned.

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