I've been averaging one post a year. Very poor attendance.
Late in the evening, I think of many things to post - witty, touching, interesting. Oh, you would be riveted. Come the morning, when I actually sit in front of a screen, it's all a blank.
Been a bit of an up-hill walk lately. My anxiety is creeping up on me. If you don't know what this is like, imagine being absolutely panicked about some minor thing, like forgetting your keys at home. Or not remembering if you turned off the stove. It also doesn't help that I'm somewhat forgetful and I do things by rote without thinking about them. I once spent an agonizing morning wondering if the stove was off or if my place was actually going down in flames until I finally bit the bullet and went home from work to check. I first Googled to see what would happen if someone left an empty pot on a burner that was not turned off. 'Cause that's how I roll. I am here to tell you that usually it's OK, but not if your pot begins to burn and noxious fumes are released and you think about your child coming home to a poisoned apartment. Then it's not OK. That is when you rush home to check. And find out that you did in fact turn the stove off. Now it's part of my morning ritual - making a note of turning the stove off. Yeah, a bit of OCD going on here too.
In sad news, my aunt passed away in Poland. She was elderly and it was to be expected, but nobody ever expects it. She was my father's sister. I wish one of us could go to the funeral, but we can't even do that. My dad is not doing well health-wise himself and I left my passport expire a long, long time ago. Plus, time off work would be problematic. So, once again, we grieve from afar, and grieve that we can't grieve in person.
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