Ahh, weekends...
I love them. No need to go to work and stare endlessly at a computer screen. Heaven.
Poor Arthur had a very sore neck all day yesterday, so it wasn't much fun for him. He had to put a hot watter bottle on his neck and there was a lot of massaging of the neck as well. I crocheted while my poor love napped. I finished the front of the baby jacket. Ha! Now I have to do the back, but I have to say the directions confuse the heck out of me. Clearly this was NOT written by a tech writer. Now, here's a thought, to write the directions for knitting patterns, does the writer have to knit the article him or herself first? I mean, I always try to go through the procedure before I write it. And chefs who write cookbooks have cooked the dish before so does that mean that knitting instruction writers have all the stuff knitted before they write? Neat. Where can I get that job?
The sheikh gave me more work to do, which is good because I was getting bored last week. I handed out my docs for review and while that is happening was at a bit of an odd end. I even started the third novel out of desperation. I see now this will have to wait at least until the end of August.
Glacia is in BC and I am very happy for her and not at all jealous. Arthur and I are off to see his dad on Friday and we're not back until Monday and I can't wait. I only wish I was not this broke.
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