Women's Lib
Something I read in glacia's blog has made me stop and think. And I warn you now that none of these conclusions are startlingly new or original. She quoted a line from the Brady Bunch movie Women's Lib means we get everything we want. Or words to that effect. Excuse me, what idiot came up with that? This is what I have: a full time job where the manager needs to 'put me in my place' at every opportunity, a 3 hour commute every day and a bun in the oven, which though magical and fabulous, will mean a slash in my finances. This is what I want: a house, enough money to be able to take a year off to write my next novel, a holiday in Europe and booze, damn it, booze 'cause I miss it! I want to sashay in Prada boots through the best streets of the world. I want to be in Paris one day and London the next.
So, what does one do with such disparity between reality and dream? Well, strangely enough, I consider myself one of the luckiest women on the planet. I have a wonderful husband, a roof over my head, a place of safety in the world, and so far, food a-plenty (we'll see what happens when I go on mat leave). I am up on at least 80% of women in the world. My country is not at war. My largest political concern is to complain that McGuinty added OHIP fees. I have it great.
This is about the place where I start losing sight of my point.
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