Friday, October 25, 2013

Hallowe'en Approacheth

Penboy is all set with his kangaroo costume. Actually, I ordered this in August. He also requested a pumpkin hat, which I just started, so I better hurry if I am to finish for next Thursday.
Lots of other crafting has been taking place too.

Work has been insane and will be so for the foreseeable future. At least until mid January. That's good, I suppose - job security. Mind you, can one really talk about job security these days?

Penboy's birthday is coming up and we have been spared organizing a party by some cunning bribery on my part. I asked him if he wanted a party or a bigger gift. Well, of course, he said bigger gift. I would have spent at least $300 on a party, so I got him the underwater camera that he has been pining for.

In other news, I love valerian and skullcap. Whenever I get into a bit of a "state," I take it and it helps almost immediately! I guess when you have a depressive disorder, it's hard to imagine feeling "normal" all the time. You always think about the next episode and how to help yourself when it comes. I'm lucky that there is something that helps. I do not relish the thought of going back on serotonin enhancers.

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