Friday, October 04, 2013


It's a rainy day in October. Fall is here. Mind you, fall here is not like it was in Poland, where it's cold and rainy almost every day. And dark. Warsaw is further north than Toronto and it gets dark very early in the winter, earlier than here.

As I was walking through the park yesterday, it was warm and pretty sunny. These days I sometimes have to walk because the bus is so crowded, I can't get on. The TTC is a warcrime these days. I have to let at least two trains go at College and Yonge and then can't get on the stupid bus. Honestly! Rob Ford wants to ride the Yonge subway at rush hour in the afternoon. Then maybe he wouldn't be making stupid extensions into Scarborough where we don't need them.

I dream of living somewhere where it would take less than half an hour to get to work, where there are not 3.5 million people cramming in to every possible space, where there is fresh air and maybe a wind from the sea...I dream of a salty tang in the air, of fishing boats coming in in the morning and fog horns at night. And maybe somewhere where people have smiles on their faces rather than permascowls.

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