Goodbye, 2013, I am glad to see the back of you! I know I'm a sucker and believe that a change in the date on the calendar will bring on magically a change in life and circumstances, but hey, a girl can dream.
Christmas was pretty good. Got some very nice loot, including a Kindle. Yes, I caved, but only because it was going to be a Kindle Fire with games, books and videos. Basically, a tablet. Love it.
Also love the love and closeness at this time of year. The Mr. has a bit more time on his hands and this year he has lavished some extra attention on his lovely wife (moi) and I am loving it! I know this is all sappy stuff, but I do so love my husband. Penboy is all happy and bright and enjoying his pressies too and I get lots of love and cuddles from him.
Sad for many people, they spent Christmas in the dark and cold after the ice storm. We were extremely lucky not to lose power at all.
I hope everyone has a great start to 2014.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Friday, December 20, 2013
Getting really close to Christmas. Penboy is counting the days. I am mostly looking forward to being off next week. A bit sad that as an adult, you get most excited about time off, not the tree or the food or the presents. Though, I did ask Santa for a special electronic this year. :)
I re-read "A Christmas Carol" for the first time as an adult. Who knew Dickens is funny! I really enjoyed it. Might have to read more Dickens in the future.
In crafting news, I've been busy making some jewellery sets for a co-worker. She asked for necklaces and bracelets for some nieces. I also made a Santa hat for Penboy, but it turned out a bit too short. He didn't wear it to school yesterday.
My boss gave us an awesome gift this year. She took us for spa treatments! It was so nice. I got a manicure and my co-worker a pedi. Ahhhhh, it was so relaxing! The treatment included a hot stone massage and paraffin treatment. It was blissful. New year's resolution - have more spa treatments.
I re-read "A Christmas Carol" for the first time as an adult. Who knew Dickens is funny! I really enjoyed it. Might have to read more Dickens in the future.
In crafting news, I've been busy making some jewellery sets for a co-worker. She asked for necklaces and bracelets for some nieces. I also made a Santa hat for Penboy, but it turned out a bit too short. He didn't wear it to school yesterday.
My boss gave us an awesome gift this year. She took us for spa treatments! It was so nice. I got a manicure and my co-worker a pedi. Ahhhhh, it was so relaxing! The treatment included a hot stone massage and paraffin treatment. It was blissful. New year's resolution - have more spa treatments.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Miss you
My dear friend Carol Ann, took her life three weeks ago. I am still struggling with the loss. I miss her. She left a big hole in the fabric of my world.
Goodbye, Car.
Goodbye, Car.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Hallowe'en Approacheth
Penboy is all set with his kangaroo costume. Actually, I ordered this in August. He also requested a pumpkin hat, which I just started, so I better hurry if I am to finish for next Thursday.
Lots of other crafting has been taking place too.
Work has been insane and will be so for the foreseeable future. At least until mid January. That's good, I suppose - job security. Mind you, can one really talk about job security these days?
Penboy's birthday is coming up and we have been spared organizing a party by some cunning bribery on my part. I asked him if he wanted a party or a bigger gift. Well, of course, he said bigger gift. I would have spent at least $300 on a party, so I got him the underwater camera that he has been pining for.
In other news, I love valerian and skullcap. Whenever I get into a bit of a "state," I take it and it helps almost immediately! I guess when you have a depressive disorder, it's hard to imagine feeling "normal" all the time. You always think about the next episode and how to help yourself when it comes. I'm lucky that there is something that helps. I do not relish the thought of going back on serotonin enhancers.
Lots of other crafting has been taking place too.
Work has been insane and will be so for the foreseeable future. At least until mid January. That's good, I suppose - job security. Mind you, can one really talk about job security these days?
Penboy's birthday is coming up and we have been spared organizing a party by some cunning bribery on my part. I asked him if he wanted a party or a bigger gift. Well, of course, he said bigger gift. I would have spent at least $300 on a party, so I got him the underwater camera that he has been pining for.
In other news, I love valerian and skullcap. Whenever I get into a bit of a "state," I take it and it helps almost immediately! I guess when you have a depressive disorder, it's hard to imagine feeling "normal" all the time. You always think about the next episode and how to help yourself when it comes. I'm lucky that there is something that helps. I do not relish the thought of going back on serotonin enhancers.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Having a very long weekend (Friday off and Monday Thanksgiving). Love it. Was not tempted even once to sign in and check work e-mails.
There are a few things that I am thankful for this year:
Those are the biggies. Also missing and remembering some people at this time: my grandmas, my father-in-law, Carl whom we used to visit around this time every year; Mr. P's aunt Lena, who was the HQ of his family (all roads led to her house - really!). I am thankful to have had all of them in my life.
OK, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. I better finish this up before I start searching the web for pictures of fluffy kittens.
There are a few things that I am thankful for this year:
- My beautiful son
- My wonderful husband (who, OK, cheeses me off sometimes, but that passes)
- The fact that his heart is generally OK, though slightly too big (awww, he has a big heart - I know, that is not good)
- That I have my parents and they are healthy
- That my sister-in-law is still around
- That I have lovely friends who do not judge me (at least out loud) and love me for who I am
- That we live in a country that allows me to drive and vote, and does not require me to cover my face
- That we live in a country that is safe (albeit a bit boring)
Those are the biggies. Also missing and remembering some people at this time: my grandmas, my father-in-law, Carl whom we used to visit around this time every year; Mr. P's aunt Lena, who was the HQ of his family (all roads led to her house - really!). I am thankful to have had all of them in my life.
OK, I feel all warm and fuzzy now. I better finish this up before I start searching the web for pictures of fluffy kittens.
Friday, October 04, 2013
It's a rainy day in October. Fall is here. Mind you, fall here is not like it was in Poland, where it's cold and rainy almost every day. And dark. Warsaw is further north than Toronto and it gets dark very early in the winter, earlier than here.
As I was walking through the park yesterday, it was warm and pretty sunny. These days I sometimes have to walk because the bus is so crowded, I can't get on. The TTC is a warcrime these days. I have to let at least two trains go at College and Yonge and then can't get on the stupid bus. Honestly! Rob Ford wants to ride the Yonge subway at rush hour in the afternoon. Then maybe he wouldn't be making stupid extensions into Scarborough where we don't need them.
I dream of living somewhere where it would take less than half an hour to get to work, where there are not 3.5 million people cramming in to every possible space, where there is fresh air and maybe a wind from the sea...I dream of a salty tang in the air, of fishing boats coming in in the morning and fog horns at night. And maybe somewhere where people have smiles on their faces rather than permascowls.
As I was walking through the park yesterday, it was warm and pretty sunny. These days I sometimes have to walk because the bus is so crowded, I can't get on. The TTC is a warcrime these days. I have to let at least two trains go at College and Yonge and then can't get on the stupid bus. Honestly! Rob Ford wants to ride the Yonge subway at rush hour in the afternoon. Then maybe he wouldn't be making stupid extensions into Scarborough where we don't need them.
I dream of living somewhere where it would take less than half an hour to get to work, where there are not 3.5 million people cramming in to every possible space, where there is fresh air and maybe a wind from the sea...I dream of a salty tang in the air, of fishing boats coming in in the morning and fog horns at night. And maybe somewhere where people have smiles on their faces rather than permascowls.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Summer is over! (almost)
It's been a busy one as summers go. We got to go to Colorado on our vacation. This was all before the horrible flooding, of course. Those poor people. It's a lovely region and they are just taking a pummeling!
This was at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. It was a very hot and muggy day, but we had a great time.
Been back for three weeks now, but the vacation glow is still there a bit. More than anything, I am longing for a simpler life, one with more time for family and less time wasted on commutes and such.
That would involve moving to a smaller community. Toronto is just too big and does not have the infrastructure to support so many people.
On the crafting front, been making toys for penboy. Made some hedgehogs and a bunny. All crochet. A teddy bear is next on the agenda.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Victoria Day
Having an awesome Victoria Day weekend. We went for a hike in the woods at Kortright Conservation Area, one of my fave places in the GTA. It was cool, green, and peaceful.
We saw some frogs or toads - not sure which they were. We also saw a swan chase a goose away. Stayed there for three hours. This urban jungle gets to be too much for me sometimes and it's nice to look at trees towering above, not concrete.
We have been watching Coraline this weekend too. I only saw it for the first time a week ago and loved it! What an awesome story!
In more book news, I read "Portrait of Jennie" by Robert Nathan. I had seen the movie with Joseph Cotten years ago. The book is very short, but pretty good.
We saw some frogs or toads - not sure which they were. We also saw a swan chase a goose away. Stayed there for three hours. This urban jungle gets to be too much for me sometimes and it's nice to look at trees towering above, not concrete.
We have been watching Coraline this weekend too. I only saw it for the first time a week ago and loved it! What an awesome story!
In more book news, I read "Portrait of Jennie" by Robert Nathan. I had seen the movie with Joseph Cotten years ago. The book is very short, but pretty good.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
So, another year older. Yup, another birthday gone. This one was pretty good! We went to Niagara Falls and stayed the night! And I got a chance to try out my new awesome camera, which takes pictures even at night without a flash!
Had to reduce the size of this severely, btw. My camera takes awesome quality pics, but the file sizes are also large. Anyway, took the one above from the hotel window, with zoom!
We had a lovely dinner and I got a very nice leaf pendant from hubby. Then we spent an hour in the pool and hot tub. Then we watched the dusk fall and the lights come on. Penboy was allowed to stay up way past his bedtime. Oh, and our suite had a fireplace, which he insisted on turning on. A good time was had by all.
Had to reduce the size of this severely, btw. My camera takes awesome quality pics, but the file sizes are also large. Anyway, took the one above from the hotel window, with zoom!
We had a lovely dinner and I got a very nice leaf pendant from hubby. Then we spent an hour in the pool and hot tub. Then we watched the dusk fall and the lights come on. Penboy was allowed to stay up way past his bedtime. Oh, and our suite had a fireplace, which he insisted on turning on. A good time was had by all.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
So, spring is still keeping us waiting. We had snow yesterday. Grrr.
My little guy turned me onto Storybird and I finally published "Simon and the Monster" which I wrote for Fae's son years ago.
Clicky here to see it:
Planning a trip to Niagara Falls for birthday. I've never seen the falls at night, so this will be a treat. We are staying the night there. Penboy is super excited. So am I.
My little guy turned me onto Storybird and I finally published "Simon and the Monster" which I wrote for Fae's son years ago.
Clicky here to see it:
Planning a trip to Niagara Falls for birthday. I've never seen the falls at night, so this will be a treat. We are staying the night there. Penboy is super excited. So am I.
Saturday, April 06, 2013
New obsession - resin. I love it. You just mix the resin and the hardener and pour into a mould or over a bezel and 24 hours later - presto it is hard! Then you let it cure for another 48 hours and you have a glass-hard object. So, made some stuff.
Penboy and I made Titanic and iceberg. So, you get the ice cube tray Gin & Titonic and you use it for resin! Mind you, it is no longer food safe after, so you might want to cut it in two and keep a half for ice and the other half for resin.
I also made some pretty bezels. There you have to be careful not to overpour. Here is one made using Japanese paper as a base picture.
I love it!
In other Titanic news, we got a tea diffuser called - Teatanic! You put the tea inside and let it sink in your cup. For myself I got some yummy Irish Breakfast tea.
Penboy and I made Titanic and iceberg. So, you get the ice cube tray Gin & Titonic and you use it for resin! Mind you, it is no longer food safe after, so you might want to cut it in two and keep a half for ice and the other half for resin.
I also made some pretty bezels. There you have to be careful not to overpour. Here is one made using Japanese paper as a base picture.
I love it!
In other Titanic news, we got a tea diffuser called - Teatanic! You put the tea inside and let it sink in your cup. For myself I got some yummy Irish Breakfast tea.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Spring officially came yesterday. This is calendar spring, you understand. The real thing is a far-off dream. It's cold out there! It snowed both yesterday and today. In fact, it's snowing right now.
In more exciting news... I re-activated my Etsy shop. Posted one item for sale. Now, I know, one item is nothing, but, it's a try. Here it is.
Finally bought "My Neighbour Totoro" by Hayao Miyazaki. I love it. The men in my household totally scoff at it, but I guess I just really like the idea of having a spirit (albeit a big fuzzy one) watching over me and coming to my help when I need it. And sometimes I feel very much like Mei and at others like Satsuki.
Even got myself a free Totoro pattern. Just need some grey felt and I can make him. I'm such a kid.
In more exciting news... I re-activated my Etsy shop. Posted one item for sale. Now, I know, one item is nothing, but, it's a try. Here it is.
Finally bought "My Neighbour Totoro" by Hayao Miyazaki. I love it. The men in my household totally scoff at it, but I guess I just really like the idea of having a spirit (albeit a big fuzzy one) watching over me and coming to my help when I need it. And sometimes I feel very much like Mei and at others like Satsuki.
Even got myself a free Totoro pattern. Just need some grey felt and I can make him. I'm such a kid.
Friday, February 08, 2013
Crazy snow!
OK, we have a real snowstorm here today. I know all the folks out west would probably laugh at us spoiled Ontarians, but really, this is more than we are used to.
This is my balcony earlier today.
On the knitting front, am making a hat for a friend at work. It's turning out nice.
Still have 4 inches to go before I shape the crown. this is supposed to be a slouchy hat. It's slow going a bit as it has both cables and a lace pattern. Love the colours though. Might even make another one for self in another colour. And with a less fuzzy yarn.
This is my balcony earlier today.
On the knitting front, am making a hat for a friend at work. It's turning out nice.
Still have 4 inches to go before I shape the crown. this is supposed to be a slouchy hat. It's slow going a bit as it has both cables and a lace pattern. Love the colours though. Might even make another one for self in another colour. And with a less fuzzy yarn.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Blue Monday
Blue Monday was yesterday. It is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year, based on how far it is from the holidays and the failure of New Year's resolutions. For me, it's been a year since I've been off the anti-depressants, and on Sunday I had the first truly bad day. I had all the classic symptoms - anger and annoyance with everyone and everything, an inability to do anything, aches and pains. People who have never experienced this don't realize that it's not just feeling sad or blue. There is a host of other things and you are not free to "snap out of it." I think most of us would love to snap out of it. If only we knew how. Anyway, I was hoping it was behind me, but I guess not. The struggle goes on. I am slightly better equipped now - meditation, valerian, essential oils. And another thing that is recommended, believe it or not, is to look at images of unmitigated cuteness. So, here you go.

Sunday, January 20, 2013
Been knitting a bit more lately. Made a hat for my friend's son.

Now working on a slouchy hat. I am remembering why I dislike double-pointed needles.
Also made a foray into making bath bombs. Penboy loves the ones from Lush (who doesn't), but they cost a small fortune. Found a recipe for them online and we tried our hand at making them yesterday. Success! They actually fizz like mad in the water.

Love crafts!
Now working on a slouchy hat. I am remembering why I dislike double-pointed needles.
Also made a foray into making bath bombs. Penboy loves the ones from Lush (who doesn't), but they cost a small fortune. Found a recipe for them online and we tried our hand at making them yesterday. Success! They actually fizz like mad in the water.
Love crafts!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Have the blahs a bit. After a period of snow, it is grey and rainy.
However, I have been quite productive. Made two kid hats. Pics to follow. Both of them for my work buddy's sons. I made her a scarf for Christmas and she likes it (very simple pattern - 3k, 3p). The yarn had nice colours, greens, blues and purples. Yes, I know I am the worst with photos, they are all still sitting on my camera.
Am totally loving 11/22/63 by Stephen King. What a fabulous writer! I hate horror books, so have not read most of his stuff, but I don't mind fantasy and am just eating this book up! I'm about 200 pages in, still 600+ to go!
However, I have been quite productive. Made two kid hats. Pics to follow. Both of them for my work buddy's sons. I made her a scarf for Christmas and she likes it (very simple pattern - 3k, 3p). The yarn had nice colours, greens, blues and purples. Yes, I know I am the worst with photos, they are all still sitting on my camera.
Am totally loving 11/22/63 by Stephen King. What a fabulous writer! I hate horror books, so have not read most of his stuff, but I don't mind fantasy and am just eating this book up! I'm about 200 pages in, still 600+ to go!
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