Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Oh, no, they're on to me

kiss my ass2
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by

Friday, March 18, 2005

I know, I know!

Yes, where have I been? My son had his second round of immunizations and cried very little, though in my heart I cried a lot. Then a couple of days later, he had a very bad day, was unable to nap and as a consequence super tired, so much so that he cried and cried and my heart almost broke. So, am now bleary eyed after having emerged from that little treat. It turns out that four hours of sleep a night is not enough after all.

Saw the "Truman Show" for the first time a couple of days ago. LOVED it! OK, I know that the rest of the world has seen it many times before, but my natural aversion to Jim Carrey has prevented me from seeing it hitherto. My husband praised it though and knowing his good taste, I gave it a shot and rightly so! Of course, I really do like JC now, after seeing "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" and "The Mask", but I did not for a long time before.

Made arrangements today to stop my maternity benefits when I go back to work. SIGH! This will be hard. I am already dreading it. Wish Evil was closer so I did not have to spend so long on the TTC, 'cause every minute out of the house is a minute away from my little boy! Who would have thought I'd be such a mommy!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Once again, with feeling

OK, now this time I did follow the rules.

I am from the bookshelf, from Cheerios and Vim.
I am from the second floor, from laughter and tickles.
I am from the tulip bed, from roses warmed by the afternoon sun, from the sleepy buzzing of bees.
I am from cupcakes for holidays and brown hair, from Seweryna and Krystyna and the Ebels.
I am from praising one's own cooking at parties and folding hands on your lap.
From your face will freeze that way and a cherry tree will grow in your stomach.
I am from crowded churches and shouted amens. From the smell of incense and the chink of money on the collection tray.
I'm from Warsaw and Toronto, from potato pancakes and red wine.
From the young mother leaving a suitcase with almost all she had in the world on a streetcar that goes round and round the town, the suitcase that came back with the driver on the next pass, and the cousin who dumped a whole bathtub of water on the kitchen floor in an effort to clean up.
I am from faded sepia photographs of ladies in stiff necked gowns artfully arranged on chairs in a suburban wood, precious pictures and mementos lost in two wars and countless moves until all that was left were words.

Friday, March 11, 2005

I am from

Thanks once again to glacia for the inspiration. Here is my feeble attempt. Now, I did not follow instructions, rather just went with the flow.

I am from snow and ice
I am from empty store shelves and line ups,
from grey crowds with expresioneless faces
who push ahead and dare not look behind.

I am from storks and larks and nightingales
From Slav melancholy and delirious happiness
I am from black eyes and piano plonaises
From floor polish and the smell of baking on a Christmas morning.

I am from rainy summers and cold sea waves, from sharp rugged mountains and fertile valleys
I am from veined hands and the clicking of knitting needles in front of incessant newscasts of party aparatchiks
I am from white bark of trees and sandy soils and cold river currents
I am from hard wood of train seats and sobs of streetcars on cold days.

I am the salt of the earth and the wind in the air
I am the bubble of the water playing in the fountain
I am the whisper of the leaf on the tree.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

She chose Jerry!

Reminds me of a line in the movie Labirynth. These huge tree roots catch Jennifer Connelly as she falls through a hole and ask her which way she wants to go. She says down and they say "She chose DOWN?" "Is that wrong?" asks Jennifer. "Too late now!" the roots reply. That about sums it up for this season of the Bachelorette.

Abby's household is a stressful place these days. Arthur is sick, very much so and I am freaking out both about that and that he might make the baby sick too. Also am taking care of them both and just running ragged. My idea of a great time right now is to sit down with nothing to do.