Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's that time of year ... again

Actually, it is feeling slightly more magical this year and all because of Alex. He is SO excited about the Christmas tree and lights and decorations. We took him to see Santa at a local mall and he loved it. And here I came across my first Christmas dilemma. Alex asked for Gordon under the tree (part of the Thomas the Tank Engine gang - clicky here for datils). Well, of course, that is the one engine I can't find. And he asked Santa for it. Now, this is the first year we do the whole Santa hoopla and I don't want him doubting just yet. Sigh. I am turning into one of those crazed parents who scour the city for one toy.

In other news... I am sadly behind on all my knitting projects, but I am writing more! Yay! OK, this is Mickey Mouse stuff, but it helps me feel slightly more creative. I publish on Triond. Here is one of mine Yes, it does take away from writing the blog, but might actually make me some money too. Why, already I earned three cents!