Wednesday, February 20, 2008

All quiet on the Western front

Meaning I am still looking for some gainful employment. It's a depressingly long process.

On the plus side, it's sunny today, however, the road construction trucks that have been permanently camped in front of my building are very active now and are roaring and making the walls shake. My street is a big mud hole and has been since November. I have to wonder at the existance of brains at city hall. The geniuses picked the absolute worst time of the year to schedule construction - frozen ground, snow storms followed by heavy rain. Lovely.

In knitting news, the Dr. Who scarf is finished! It's not quite as long as the original, but I think that will make it a little more manageable. Mr. P loves it and that's the main thing (there was semi dressed modelling of the scarf last night - hubba hubba). I know I've been promising pics. Here is one when the scarf was just a baby.

I love the colours on it, all rusts and browns. I still need to add a fringe on the bottoms. Then I have a line-up of other project to work on, including the famous sweater. If only someone wanted to employ me as a knitter!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Holy snow!

We have had about a tonne of it. Well, maybe not, but it feels like it. I mean mountains of snow on every street corner, slush everywhere and treacherous driving conditions. Grrr. I know, I know, this is Canada, but let's not exaggerate.

In knitting news, about half done on Dr. Who scarf. Can't wait to be done and have Mr. P sporting it around town. (aside from everything else, it will keep him warm)

Applying for jobs left right and center, but so far nobody has recognized how fabulous I am. I always loved the line from Working Girl when Tess (Melanie Griffith) asks Kathryn (Sigourney Weaver - love her), her boss about her boyfriend proposing.

Tess: What if he doesn't pop the question?

Kathryn: I really don't think it's a variable. I am in the same town now, I have cleared the month of June and I am after all, me.

Ahhh, such self confidence. This is what I should put down on my cover letters : I am after all, me.

Friday, February 01, 2008

An unusual place to shop

I discovered an unusual and slightly grim (perhaps) place to shop - hospital gift shops. They just rock! The first one I went to was at St. Joseph's Hospital, when Mr. P was having his nose surgery. I had to wait about three or more hours and had ample time to roam the hospital. Got totally groovy white lilac body lotion that time and a glowy wind up worm toy for Penboy, which totally freaked him out. Yesterday I went to see my mom at Toronto Eastern (she had thyroid surgery) and while she was sleeping, went down to get a coffee and, you guessed it, check out the gift shop. Well, the spoils included a nice angel key charm for me and a yellow smiley face ball for the munchikn. The only problem is so far that there are not too many man things there, but I suppose only women would think to shop at a hospital, so they must clearly know their audience well. These places seem to have a large selection of cosmetics from lesser known Canadian manufacturers that just smell heavenly. I checked out a mango body cream yesterday. Mmmm - it was like mango ice cream in a jar! I was good and did not get it, what with my newly imposed necessity for frugality.

I highly recommend shopping at your nearest hospital for gift items. The best thing is that the profits go to the hospital and because the shops are staffed with volunteers, they don't have to worry about salaries.