Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love Her!

I love this woman's voice!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Still on a Chocolate High

Easter has come and gone and we were just inundated with chocolate. I have to say that my child should be an example to me because he can eat just a couple of pieces and stop, whereas I...

I am really starting to despair of spring. We had a couple of days of high temps and now are back to cold. Growl!

On a totally unrelated note, I have come to love napping. I would even say that napping is a sort of new passion. Every weekend afternoon I indulge. I could be doing lots of other things, but napping is oh, so sweet. Perhaps it's a sign that I'm getting old because all the other things I should be doing are really not that important anymore and more trouble than they're worth. On the other hand, what could be sweeter than curling up under a warm fuzzy blanket, listening to birds chirping outside, and the sounds of kids playing... Oh, I feel a yawn coming on!

Must share this little news tidbit. Apparently, Hugo Chavez is impressed with Barack Obama. He calls him not as dumb as Bush. Finally, they sent us a smart one, says Hugo, and someone who can actually pronounce "nuclear" properly!