Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh, dear...

William Shakespeare

Not marble, nor the gilded Maggie
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme.

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

Get your own quotes:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just looked out the window and it was total whiteness outside. Crazy. There are work crews working on our street and I was just thinking that I would not want to have any of their jobs. Mind, their progress seems to be confined to making larger and larger piles of gravel on one side of the road. I worry that I will not be able to get in or out of the driveway one of these days. Out will not be that bad, but in would be worse because the designated parking areas already have people parking on them even when there is no work being done. So, one day, pengirl will just be trapped at home and will be forced to play with her husband and baby all day instead of going in to work. Ah, dear.

Lots of knitting going on. Char's daughter's scarf is progressing. Almost done, in fact. I bought her a pair of earrings that I thought would be totally perfect only to find out she does not have pierced ears. I thought I was safe in assuming she did as she has pierced everything else. Tempted to keep them for self as they are funkeh!

Caved and got winter boots. Well, it was a given that this was going to happen because I threw away my old pairs (two of them) on account of them killing my feet. And what happened on the first snowy day in Toronto? No boots. So I went to Payless and bought mommy boots. Oh, you know the kind I mean, the kind that go with that padded, long Michelin man coat. I am happy to say that I still have not reached the Michelin man coat stage, but now certainly I have the boots for it.

Sooo proud of myself as I went to the mechanic across the street from work by myself and got the oil changed and the wiper blades replaced. Feel so grown up now. Of course, the mr. rolled his eyes at what they charged me (OK, I rolled my eyes a little bit too), but I feel you can't put a price on confidence! He did say that they charged surprisingly little for labour. I know it's not possible, but it feels like the car runs better now.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I know I'm a big woos and that's just because I drive now. It's only about -7 outside and I am freezing! Last year I would have been enjoying the brisk weather.

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Yesterday I took the TTC and it took forever to get to work. I mean, in a land where forever takes two hours. It would probably have been the same had I driven though, but I got to read, so it was good.

Knitting News

Lots of news on the knitting front. I put a scarf in the United Way auction at work and a girl who wanted it a lot bought it, so that was good. I also offered my knitting services and a guy bought those. I am now making matching hats for him and his daughter who is one. I love small projects.
Also, I have finally gotten to the neck of the front of Arthur's sweater. I so want to finish before Christmas so he can wear it soon, but I'm afraid it won't happen. However, the plan is to finish the sweater before the boy turns four. I started this project before he was born!
Also making a scarf out of cute yarn called Pooch for Charlotte's daughter who likes things black and goth-like. The yarn is black and pouffy, so it should go over well. I also got her a pair of dragon earrings.

Christmas Shopping

... is half done. Haaa haaahhh! Still need to get everything for my dad and something for my mom and for my little Stitch lover too. Oh, and for Simon, Emma's son... OK, am getting depressed now. Sigh. But December will soon be upon us and I can start decorating and stuff. Wooohhhoo hoooo woooohoooo hoooo woohoooo all the way!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In the land of the sick

Still sick and now the munchkin is sick too. We took him to Just for Kids to see a doc because this morning he woke up coughing and crying after every cough. He pointed to his throat. Poor baby, on his birthday too! Yes, pilgrims, three years ago today pengirl was in labour. Well, actually, by this time (2:00 p.m.) I was already on the maternity ward. Alex was down in the NICU because his blood sugar level was too low. So I went down two floors to hold him and feed him, while gingerly holding on to my c-section scar. Yes, a fun time was had by all. I gave the nurses the slip one time (unintentionally) and they were phoning all over the hospital looking for me. I was with my baby, of course. They brought him back to me the next day.

Well, we got drugs for the boy and instructions to not administer them unless he getse worse. Now he's napping, drugged up on Tylenol because he's beginning to get a fever after all this. When he gets up, I'm sure we'll be watching Lilo and Stitch again, while eating birthday cookies. I have to confess that even though I have now seen Lilo and Stitch about a hundred times, sitting with Alex, snuggling him on the couch, I could watch it a hundred times more.

"This is my family. I found it all on my own."

Monday, November 12, 2007

The plague!

Soo sick! I hate being sick! I'm sure it's the flu, but it feels like the plague. My little guy is sick too and seems to find comfort in watching Lilo and Stich all day. Yesterday we saw it four times.

I think I have most of the dialogue memorized now. I let him watch because it is the only time he will sit still. If only he'd stay in bed, he'd get better much quicker, but he's still at an age where bed is not somewhere you want to be. Ah, if only someone wanted me to stay in bed all day! Such luxury and decandence!
Mind you, my parents brought over a chocolate cake on Sunday to celebrate the little birthday and I've been snacking on it ever since, so the situation is not that bad. Of course, Alex won't touch the cake, but does want chocolate cookies and Rockets candy (that's Smarties to all you American folk).
Gee, staying at home makes me want to shop online, which is very dangerous as my credit card balances creep steadily up. I love Christmas, but hate paying for it. Ah, well, am almost half done with my shopping and December is not even here yet. Hah!
Next pay day I am treating myself to a big jar of Nivea cream, which is my absolute fave. It's 15 bucks for the biggest jar in a neighbourhood pharmacy and it's the German made kind, which has a nicer smell than local one. Can't wait.