Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just looked out the window and it was total whiteness outside. Crazy. There are work crews working on our street and I was just thinking that I would not want to have any of their jobs. Mind, their progress seems to be confined to making larger and larger piles of gravel on one side of the road. I worry that I will not be able to get in or out of the driveway one of these days. Out will not be that bad, but in would be worse because the designated parking areas already have people parking on them even when there is no work being done. So, one day, pengirl will just be trapped at home and will be forced to play with her husband and baby all day instead of going in to work. Ah, dear.

Lots of knitting going on. Char's daughter's scarf is progressing. Almost done, in fact. I bought her a pair of earrings that I thought would be totally perfect only to find out she does not have pierced ears. I thought I was safe in assuming she did as she has pierced everything else. Tempted to keep them for self as they are funkeh!

Caved and got winter boots. Well, it was a given that this was going to happen because I threw away my old pairs (two of them) on account of them killing my feet. And what happened on the first snowy day in Toronto? No boots. So I went to Payless and bought mommy boots. Oh, you know the kind I mean, the kind that go with that padded, long Michelin man coat. I am happy to say that I still have not reached the Michelin man coat stage, but now certainly I have the boots for it.

Sooo proud of myself as I went to the mechanic across the street from work by myself and got the oil changed and the wiper blades replaced. Feel so grown up now. Of course, the mr. rolled his eyes at what they charged me (OK, I rolled my eyes a little bit too), but I feel you can't put a price on confidence! He did say that they charged surprisingly little for labour. I know it's not possible, but it feels like the car runs better now.

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