Monday, March 15, 2004

Well, fight with Evil Corporation is over. They offered me a more decent raise. I was a little shocked at how fast they acted. They didn't even call me in, just made an offer, which I took. No need to piss them off unnecessarily. I would have LIKED more (especially in present circumstances), but let's not be greedy. What they offered was a raise and not a slap in the face this time.

Just came back from the mall and boy it's cold and windy! Good thing this is not supposed to be spring yet, 'cause it doesn't feel like it!

OK, people just have no clue about sensitivity. Not only do they keep asking me about having a baby ("so, anything yet? how about now? how about now?") they tell me I should colour my hair 'because it's starting to look grey'. Yeah, what else? Do I look fat? Can you see my wrinkles? Grrr!

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