Friday, July 09, 2004


I was rudely interrupted while blogging yesterday by the fact that all power at Evil Corporation was about to go off. We were told to turn off our machines and wait. Later it turned out that water was also shut down and then even later, the phones. At one, the CEO took pity on us, trapped in a stuffy building in the dark, and sent us home. Yippeee. I like unexpected early days. You feel like there's all this freedom.

Just read my friend Jacqueline's blog. Too funny.
Glacia blog

I have to totally agree, Britney is an idiot.

We should all trust President Bush. Especially those of us like me, with no brain in their heads.

Thank you, Britney, for that sad comment on North American pop culture.

Oops, I put 'poo culture' by mistake at first. Well, yes, Freudian slip there.

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Jacqueline said...
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