Saturday, April 30, 2005

Back to work!

I can't believe it's been six months. Leaving Alex at home all day will be the hardest thing in the world. Luckily, he will be with Arthur. I wonder how many times a day I will call home that first week.

Also luckily I will work shorter hours at my new job. Now here is the downer. We are all sick, sneezing and coughing and I can't even take anything for it because I am still feeding Alex. Also, must go to work Monday no matter what because it's my first day at new job. And Wednesday is my birthday. There, I said it. And it's got a five in it, so I suppose it's kind of important. And because of new job and everything, I can't take a day off or anything. I might buy myself a piece of cake at lunch though. Chocolate. So there.

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