Thursday, April 03, 2008

Among the Employed

Yes, pilgrims, I am a worker bee once again. I work for a company that cannot be mentioned because I can't bring it into disrepute by any means at all, so I will just stay away from mentioning its name or business. It's all good though. I have a real cube once again, not that open concept crap like my last job. I have a window near. I am downtown. It's a year contract, but hey, a lot can happen in a year.

Polar bear bite vaccine

OK, so I could not not mention this. On my STC list serv a person from the States (let's call him, oh, Ned) mentioned that he is coming to Toronto soon to give a talk and he was asking his fellow list members what kind of VACCINES he should get before coming to Canada. That's in case he gets bitten by a polar bear, I guess and he develops an unexplainable love of Tim Horton's, hockey and normal strength beer. None of the Canadian list serv members replied to this, but many American ones did. To give them credit, nobody suggested Ned go to his doctor immediately and get all the tropical disease shots available to mankind. Ooh, it now strikes me I should have. Damn.

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