Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dis an' dat

I have been talking about Santa with Alex. He is getting more and more excited about Chirstmas. We saw a giant Christmas tree at the Eaton Center yesterday. It was all done in white and suspended under the ceiling as though floating on a cloud. Alex even agreed to go see Santa Claus at a local mall this year. He flat out refused last year.

In that spirit I asked Alex if we were going to write a letter to Santa. I explained that we could put down what he wants for Christmas and Santa would try and get it for him. This conversation ensued:

me: So, do you want to write a letter to Santa, so we can tell him what you want under the tree?

Alex: Yes.

me: That way Santa will know what to get you.

Alex: Yes, I will write a letter for Santa. I will write the letter E for Santa.

That was when I realized my son does not know what a letter is.

In other news, things are looking iffy at work. There is a hiring freeze and of course pengirl is on contract, so pengirl might be jobless very soon as contract is ending. Bloody recession!

In other other news, the husband sweater is officially finished (I had to fix the neck). I have now moved on to a pink scarf for moi, happily ignoring all other projects I should be working on right now. Here is le pic.

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