Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines!

Oh, it was a good one! Let me tell you, the highlights involved lobster tail, Brie, wine, roses, and that his and hers K-Y kit. Oh, yes, a good time was had by all.

Totally unrelated, but I had to share, my husband and I had this conversation while watching TV. A commercial came on for the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic" with Isla Fisher.

pengirl: You know, I really liked the book. I don't even want to see this movie.

Mr. P: I hate Reese Witherspoon, I hate her face and her smile!

pengirl: But this is not Reese Witherspoon!

Mr. P: I know, but I hate Reese, there's something about her face. I just hate it!

Yep, we are turning into those two old geezers that sit in front of the TV and talk off-topic.

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