Saturday, January 07, 2012

Enjoying Other People's Birthdays

Had a great day celebrating Car's birthday and Mr. P's birthday. Both of them have actually already passed, but for various reasons we had not celebrated them. So, I went over to Car's place and we had a lovely Japanese lunch in Aurora. Bought an extremely cool scarf which I did not need and some sunglasses, which I did. Then this evening, we went to Milestones to celebrate Mr. P's birthday. Had a lovely dinner and I persuaded him to try Bellinis (mostly because I wanted the monkey toy and I was the designated driver, so no booze for me). We did not get the monkey alas, but got a moose and a beaver/squirrel thingie (oh, yeah he had to have two because Penboy wanted a toy too).

I like other people's birthdays!

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