Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I think ultrasound machines are the best invention of the century! We went to see our little one on Friday and actually got waved at. OK, OK, sceptics would say that's impossible, but hey, I saw it!

Major layoff at the Evil Corporation last week. It took them three days to finish it.

I should really take example from Glacia and start knitting things like little socks for example or little hats. I would not have the first idea what size to make them though. :)

Had a nice chat with Emma today. Her work environment is even worse than mine. I guess I should not complain too much. Occasionally the sheikh talks down to me (like yesterday) and he's all serious and displeased with me (like lately), but at least I can have a telephone conversation with someone without the whole office hearing it. Are there no good places to work?

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