Thursday, December 29, 2005

'Tis a time for looking back

At the end of each year I try to take stock of what I have accomplished. This year is not bad though it does not compare with the last (had a child last year!). This year I got a new job. I got my full G drivers' license. I got into debt. I got to attend some very cool psych training and meet some very interesting people. I got to spend four months taking care of my baby full time.

Things that will be transferred from my 'to do' list for next year:
  • get a car
  • get a house

Those pretty much make it on the list every year, but there were many years when 'get a good job' was on the list and voila, this year I did. I am hopeful.

And now for something completely different...

You know you are bored out of your tree when... you learn how to see auras on an internet site. I'm not kidding. I've been indexing a book for a few days and feel that my inventiveness is draining so I am off in the pursuit of something new, weird, different. Well, I managed to see an aura of a red circle, but have not had the opportunity to practice on a person yet. I am quite intrigued though.

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