Wednesday, March 08, 2006

International Women's Day

And for all you men, who will immediately say, "When is men's day?" It's every other day of the year!

We have come a long way. We no longer need to work in poorly lit, non-ventilated rooms for 12 hours a day. We no longer need to either marry or go into servitude to earn our keep. Our children now belong to us, not to our husbands. We can vote. We are persons under the law. We can be pretty much anything we want.

However, we still do not get paid the same wage for the same job as men. We cannot be Catholic priests. We are still marginalized and "feminist" is still a dirty word.

Still, all in all, in the West, we have it pretty good. I would now like to salute our sisters in other countries who: cannot vote, can be thrown out of their homes and are only allowed to take what they are wearing, are burnt or stoned for not producing sons, are thought to not have souls, must work in dangerous conditions and are abused by their bosses and often their husbands as well, and have a whole other litany of misery, humiliation and unhappiness simply for being born women!

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