Saturday, August 30, 2008

Last weekend of the summer

Well, kids this is it - Labour Day weekend. For us it means the last days of the CNE (that's the Canadian National Exhibition for you non Torontonians), the air show, and start of school next week. This year my little guy is actually going to school, well JK. It's been a while since a year to me meant September to June. I remember my first day at school (first grade, mind you) in Poland. They gathered all the first graders in the reception hall of the school and the principal delivered some sort of speech. We had to wear uniforms which consisted of an "apron" over a white blouse and some sort of navy pants or skirt. These "aprons" looked kind of like lab coats and were longer for girls and shorter for boys. They were navy coloured and made of polyester. I didn't really care for them. When I was in the third or fourth grade they were abandoned as required school-wear.

In knitting news - the husband sweater is almost done! I have 15 cm more of sleeves to do and then have to put it together. A proud photo will be displayed here when it is done. Meanwhile I have totally become enamoured with Amigurumi. How long has this been going on and I had no idea? I have begun making a cute little bunny, but then felt guilty and went back to the sweater, so all I have is the head. Will not post a pic as it looks kind of macabre, just the head on its own.

And lastly, here is a conversation I had yesterday with my son:

Alex: Want a bath.
Me: But honey, it's too late. We should not have watched that whole movie.
Alex: Want a shower.
Me: You can have a shower tomorrow.
Alex: No tomorrow!
Me: Yes, tomorrow.
Alex: Tomorrow is tomorrow.

Can't fault his logic there. We might have a philosopher on our hands.

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