Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not gone, just lost for a time

Yes, it's been a while. The summer is proving to be fairly busy. I refuse to stay at home and so consequently our weekends have been full of activity. Finally, one Friday Mr. P said "Is this weekend also going to be so busy?" That made me slow down a little, but not much. Also, I can't blog at work, so that makes it challenging because when I get home I don't really feel like sitting in front of the computer.

Went for an awesome family reunion in NY state. This was at my FIL's house, but both sisters-in-law came, one from Virginia, the other from Missouri. Also brother-in-law even though he is recovering from back surgery. OK, totally warm and fuzzy. Tons of hugs all around, little kids running around the yard looking for kittens that live on my FIL's porch. Huge bbq for about 50 people in the yard, watermelon, chicken, strawberries, tables set up on the grass... It was like something out of a movie or a Norman Rockwell painting.

And, yes, our camera was not working!! Mr. P took it to Canon and they were fixing it and of course we did not get it back in time to take it with us. That's OK though, at least we were not worried about getting the best shot. Mind you, some people promised to send us their pics and so far, not a peep.

Had an awesome anniversary (#5 - can you believe it?). Mr. P made a whole cartoon about our relationship! Clicky here for fun and amusement: http://thestoryofus.ismyse.com/ Apparently he'd been working on it since the fall. I had no idea and was totally surprised.

Well, off to the CNE this weekend, if the weather holds. You Vancouverites out there are probably snickering at all the rain we are getting here in TO. Really, it's been kind of ridiculous.

OK, must get to bed. It's fairly late (for me) and it's a work night.

P.S. The cameras IS working now. Consequently I was able to take this pic of a flower in my mom's little garden. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me, -"Mr. P." himself! I read this blog alot and I approve of these messages. ;-)

I have no writing skills myself but do have minor inclinations towards it. I could blog, believe me!
Sometimes I write 'shorts' under the pseudonym "thestickman".
Here is a short that I wrote about our recent visit to the CNE, and a really neat Terra Cotta bird warbling whistle that I bought for $3.00.


The Terra Cotta Whistle, -I luv it! ;-)