Monday, September 26, 2005

Not the best of days

It's raining cats and dogs in TO. Hurricane Rita has got to us at last, though here it's only in the form of lots of rain and muggy, warm weather. Well, thanks to all the rain and the oh, so efficient TTC, it took me over an hour to get from the subway station to work, which normally should take about 20 minutes. Growl. There was disembarking of buses and boarding other buses and finally walking in the rain for ten minutes. So compared with the devastation the hurricanes caused in the States, small potatos and basically a pleasant walk in the park, but in my little world today, not what I needed. On top of that, my latest Amazon purchase went to the wrong address. My fault entirely because I did not check the shipping address and did not realize that just because I had shipped all of my packages to my home addy for the last year, Amazon would decide to ship this one to work. And not just that, to the work where I no longer work. So wondering now if I will ever see it.

Alex did not sleep again last night. We tried rocking, we tried changing the diaper, we tried bottle and nothing. Well, correction, he would fall asleep like a little angel in my arms, but as soon as I would put him in his crib, he would wake up and cry. Finally, at 1:30 a.m., I gave up and decided that I at least needed a nap and put him in our bed. He immediately feel asleep and I dozed for the rest of the night, supremely uncomfortable, and trying not to wake him as I adjusted myself to keep from falling off the edge of the bed. Who would have believed someone so small takes up so much room.

So now, I am bleary eyed, miffed at the TTC and Amazon and all in all in dire need of a treat.

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